gasoline and petroleum throughoutfrom the coast approximately 96%of pet oil production inthe gulf of exico was we go with you rafa forsee how close they are tostorm.Rafael: We have alerts forflooded, this should notbecause what worries us iswhen i am arriving withoutHowever, here conditionslots of sun and clouds to be aroundToday’s more than onedepression, I said that’s itstrengthened in terms ofhuge this system that hasoften very organizedunfortunately forwe have broken theprognosis because despiteto have made landfall, hard ascategory two with ent to theLouisiana is still playingarriving in canaá what they arethe moments to the cíticos?while I am arriving thecalm winds, early morningtomorrow it starts to rain, between4:00 in the morning and6:00 in the morning, thenwe started to see how I knowstep up on the fringecentral however there was apause, there is a lot of water andwhen this happens we will haveall covered territorycritical wednesday nightwinds above 20 milesmany incidents and eventornadoes that can be generatedalerts and until 10:00 a.m.tomorrow we will start showing thecleared is the ode thatwe always put on screenqr, place the phone onphoto mode for whatdownload the application, as ofseven inches averagewe will possibly have 8, thiswill continue to change the restof the week they were confirmed by