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Know the weather forecast for this Thursday afternoon in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

medications make sure you haveextra.stephanie vies, univisón 41.alexander: speaking ofhurricanes, we return withlucrecia borchardt, aqí no hafortunately hurricane arrived butif there is enough rain the daytoday, there was recess butI would like you to say timeNow what can we expect?lucrecia: let’s look foranswer your question andtell the people homeespecially if you have togo out for the next fewhours, we have seen how thelow pressure system gavemove to a stationary frontwhich currently holdsour area just behindthat cold front in charge ofbring much more conditionsalidas but also that ofgenerate enough energyin the atmosphere to see andrains in our region and it isWhat are we talking about specifically?from the northwest side of the statejarin, we see your rain in thistime, for about 1:45we see more of that precipitationwhich kept moving for himmetro area and this imagecorresponds to 3:30 wherewe see practically allnew jersey subway underthe flu of thoseprecipitation, afterwe will see conditions that althoughthey will leave an occasional drizzleisolated, we anticipateconditions a little morein regards to thenext few hours, the amount ofrain we are anticipatingit was half an inch inan inch in thenear Morristown andan inch in theoutskirts of sussex, justa quarter inch on the rest andwe’re not anticipating muchamount of rain, yestake into account that it will beconstant after 3:00

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