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Know the weather forecast for this Thursday afternoon in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

six years and $ 250 eachbetween six and 17 years old isto wait for the goinvestigate you answer.speaking answers, the onewe can do the weekendand today?Rafael: Thanks for theunivision 41.overcast weather,unstable on the way,high temperatures, 79, 1 wingthan they anticipated themetropolitan area, we will bereaching 80 and we have 80 inparts of our area.bad weather approaching, thishumidity is going to be represented inthese green dots, evenwith scattered showers heading tonew York.here are the storms thatThey go bordering New Jersey,same as the west, northwest theare you new york there are youcrossing the atlantic and theelectrical storms in iconsgray, there are severe stormsthat they will be coming toour area.go how the afternoon changesfully, fromfive we tend stormssee coming to the areametropolitan, Friday, whenin negotiating the storms?Monticello will be shockedbetween 4:00 in the afternoon five alate, after 6:00 a.m.the afternoon they will impact the areain the east around2:00 in the morning whenfinally this fourbegins to dilute to beAtlantic and we will have strongdownpours in that areaaccumulating wings of oneinch, now turn up what I knowI was waiting in the city, thisalmost reaching an inchovercoming and wings of twoinches and four inches aremonticello.floods, tomorrow 72 andgreatly improves the panoramafor Saturday and Sunday.remember they can go downour application, so thatput your phone in standby modetake a picture as soon as I do it andI pointed here and it will look like a

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