los póximos ías se daán ásads and askaffected keep calm. Yesdo you have any questionI called 311 and said actionnyc.Rafael: we have strongdownpour this rain and notIt is distinguished from New York. aithe conditions look and ifI had headphones onbecause I was talkingthrough facebook i wasviewing the messages andquestions. now i know thingscontext of when it will rain.alert until 8:00 a.m.night because there are places thatwill have active stormspossibly in east longhighland. in the bronx, herewe see that the metropolitan areaof manhattan read withI live in parts of New Jersey andwe see that even parts ofall over this area and we seeparts that are receiving andthey are playing part of newjersey.what will we wait for the restof the day?they are playing parts in the and 87north and we see others that areThey are approaching Pennsylvania andpass through the metropolitan area.temperatures are maintainedat 70. we are at 83 currentlyand today’s temperature iscurrent with us. theYankees play in the Bronx andthe remnants at 9:00 a.m.night and then later I knowkept a panoramaclear to start tomorrow.83 on Friday and 86 on Saturday.dominated with possible rains andtemperatures in 84. there esáqr code on screen forput your phone in modephotographywith this you can downloadour applicationfreely available to