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Know the risk factors, cervical cancer can be prevented

Tribunnews.com Reporter, Rina Ayu

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Cervical cancer is the second most common type of cancer after breast cancer.

Doctor M. Ary Zucha, Ph.D, Sp.OG from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology FKKMK UGM said cervical cancer very preventable.

“So this is a very preventable cancer,” he said in a webinar some time ago.

He said, cervical cancer strongly associated with the incidence of infection with the HPV virus (human papilloma virus). Most of the transmission is through sexual contact.

Then, non-sexual.

“For example, through underwear that changes people, is not clean, doctor’s gloves do not change every patient, and so on,” he said.

Also read: The NGS CITO Method is Effective for Early Detection of Breast and Ovarian Cancer


Prevention cervical cancer can be done with HPV / human papilloma virus vaccination (primary prevention) and precancerous lesions (secondary prevention).

Vaccination or HPV immunization is done to prevent infection with the HPV virus which can cause: cervical cancer.

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