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Know the Meaning of Volcanism, Eruption and Forms of Volcanoes in Geography Lessons

Suara.com – Indonesia is known as a country that has volcano most in the world. The number reaches 500 with 127 mountains of which the status is active releasing magma and magma eruption.

Activity volcano this is often referred to as volcanism. The question is, what is volcanism?

Quotes Teacher’s Room, Wednesday (28/7/2021) volcanism is all events related to magma that comes out to the earth’s surface through cracks in the earth’s crust.

This magma is liquid and incandescent. Magma moves up to the earth’s surface through the diatrema, which is a pipe-like channel. When it reaches the earth’s surface, magma is called lava.

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Illustration of a volcano. (Pexels/Roberto Nickson)

The main factor in this phenomenon of volcanism is magma, due to various magma activities, it can cause various volcanic symptoms, such as the type of eruption, the shape of the volcano, and its activity.

Symptoms of volcanism
Volcanic events have observable symptoms, namely symptoms before the occurrence of volcanism (pre-volcanism) and symptoms after the occurrence of volcanism (post-volcanism).

1. Symptoms of prevolcanism
Symptoms of preculcanism or characteristics of a volcano that will erupt include:

  • Frequent earthquakes
  • Many water sources dry up
  • Increased temperature around the crater
  • There was a roar from inside the mountain
  • Animals from the top of the mountain descend to the slopes of the mountain

2. Gejala pascavulkanisme
As for the post-volcanism symptoms that appear after the volcano has finished erupting are:

  • The emergence of hot springs or geysers
  • The emergence of a gas or exhaust source such as sulfur
  • The emergence of water sources that contain minerals such as sulfur or sulfur

Volcanic eruption

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Residents observe Mount Sinabung spewing volcanic material in Kutarayat Village, Naman Teran, Karo, North Sumatra, Monday (19/7/2021).  BETWEEN PHOTOS / Ginting writers
Residents observe Mount Sinabung spewing volcanic material in Kutarayat Village, Naman Teran, Karo, North Sumatra, Monday (19/7/2021). BETWEEN PHOTOS / Ginting writers

Eruption is the process of releasing magma from the bowels of the earth. In other words, the eruption occurs when a volcano erupts.

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