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Know the global impact of cancer in Spain

The Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), member of We are patients, and the Consortium Center Research Biomedical Network (CIBER) of Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) have signed an agreement for the creation of the Cancer Epidemiological Information System in Spain (SIEC) in order to obtain a more complete view of the impact oncological diseases in our country.

As reported by Dr. Marina Pollán, director of the National Center of epidemiology (CNE) and center of Research Biomedical Network of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), “in Spain there is no single National Register Of cancer. There are various initiatives in this regard that provide information, such as the Cancer Observatory of the AECC, but it is necessary to have a system of Quality information nationwide with information updated, integrated and as disaggregated as possible on the burden of cancer ”.

National Register

Directed so much to the community scientific as well as the general population, the SIEC will facilitate monitoring epidemiological, will unify sources that are difficult to access and will build official indicators not available until now, in the case of the main epidemiological indicators of cancer on a geographical and temporal scale and according to demographic characteristics, also synthesizing the scientific evidence on the risk factor’s associated with oncological diseases.

More specifically, the objective of the SIEC will be to determine the number of deaths, the gross and standardized rates of mortality cancer in Spain between 2015 and 2020 and the types of tumors more frequent according to autonomous community, province, sex and age groups; analyze cancer mortality trends in the last 40 years; estimate the number of new cases for the next few years; calculate projections of estimates of incidence for 2025; love the survival observed and net at 1, 3 and 5 years for cancer in general and different tumors; and obtain epidemiological indicators for the specific classification of child cancer and in adolescents.

For this, explains the AECC, “a web page will be designed and developed for the diffusion of the results, a Glossary of terms related to surveillance epidemiology of cancer, and information will be provided on the risk and protective factors related to cancer for which there is sufficient scientific evidence ”.

– Today, 90 cancer patient associations They are already active members of We Are Patients. And yours?

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