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Know the factors that cause your rambutan to fall easily

URBAN BAND – Recognize factor the cause of your rambutan fruit is simple relapse Besides, it is still a flower relapse.

Recognize factor the cause of the Rambutan fruit is simple relapseeven if the fruit is sweet and refreshing.

Recognize factor the cause of the Rambutan fruit is simple relapse this could be due to weather conditions or the availability of water.

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Make sure how to care for this Rambutan plant correctly and how to care for the Rambutan plant so that it bears fruit you need to pay close attention. Here are some factor which makes Rambutan fruit easy relapse :

– Chemical factor

This chemical factor is caused by the lack of adequate nutrient content of potassium and phosphate and can cause easy blooms relapse before becoming fruit.

While too much of this potassium nutrient can also cause increased hair loss, a lack of water intake can also aggravate hair loss.

– Physical factor

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