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Know the best foods to help you recover from illness

There is no specific food that can cure the disease, but eating the right food can relieve symptoms and help you feel better, and bear in mind that what works for one person may not work for another person, in this report we learn about the best foods that can be eaten when you are sick, According to the “Cleveland Clinic”.

The best foods to eat when you are sick

When you think about the foods you eat when you are sick, think of it as three main categories:

What to eat or drink when you are dehydrated (or to avoid dehydration).

What to eat or drink when your intestines are sick (such as diarrhea).

What to eat or drink when you feel nauseous (or have stomach pain).

1- What do you eat when you are dehydrated?

Often times when we get sick and feel uncomfortable, dehydration is a big part of it. It’s because you vomit or run to the bathroom every five minutes, or you may feel so nauseous that you don’t have an appetite.

But dehydration is one of the biggest reasons people end up in the emergency room when they get sick.

You may be so dehydrated that you cannot walk or lose consciousness. Moderate to severe dehydration needs prompt medical attention. Left untreated, dehydration can cause urinary or kidney problems, seizures, and may be life threatening.

Here’s what you eat and drink when dehydrated or to avoid dehydration:

Water and drinks: Any type of fluid will help combat dehydration only. Try to drink fluids regularly throughout the day. Make your goal to drink water, electrolytes, sports drinks, coffee, tea, juice, soda, or soda.

Soup There is a reason most people prefer vegetable or chicken soup when they are not feeling well. It is usually more filling than plain water because it contains more calories, protein and vitamins and is a good source of fluids and electrolytes. In addition, soup can generally work As a natural decongestant when served hot.

Foods that are mainly liquid. If you have difficulty drinking fluids, aim for foods that are primarily liquid, but serve cold or frozen. Try foods like ice cream, sundae, and pudding.

Fruit: Fresh fruit contains many important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your body needs – even when you are not sick! Eating fruits while feeling weather can provide a boost of nutrients as well as hydration Target juicy fruits that are mostly made of water, such as watermelon, berries, oranges, and grapes.

2- What to eat when your intestines are sick “diarrhea”

Diarrhea occurs when food moves too quickly in your body, and you will need to focus on eating foods that can slow down this process, which means choosing foods that contain soluble fiber.

When your gut is sick, you have to avoid or limit caffeine. Caffeine can overly stimulate the digestive system and make diarrhea worse. Sugar alcohol is not absorbed in the intestine, instead it gets suspended in the large intestine, which can lead to bloating, stomach pain and more diarrhea.

Here’s what you eat and drink when your gut is sick:

Eat a diet that includes bananas, rice, apple juice, and toast. Most people with diarrhea can tolerate less of these simple foods.

Bland foods can help relieve symptoms. Try pasta, dry cereals, oatmeal, bread and crackers, but you cannot add protein or vegetables to the mixture.

Some fruits and vegetables: Try adding boiled or baked potatoes, winter squash, baked apples, apple juice or bananas.

3- What to eat when you feel nauseous or have stomach pain

When you feel nauseous or have stomach pain, you should really try to eat every two hours, frequent eating small amounts can help get a little food at once into your system.

Here’s what to eat and drink when you feel nauseous:

Ginger: Try ginger chunks, ginger ale, ginger tea, or suck on a few ginger candy.

Dry foods: Try dry pastries, cereals, toast, or plain biscuits.

Cold foods with little odor: Because smells can cause nausea (especially during pregnancy), cold foods may be a good option. Try jelly, ice cream, frozen fruit, or yogurt.

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