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Know the appropriate dose of vitamin D and calcium for your child

Many parents are committed to providing their children with enough vital nutrients through a healthy diet, and it’s hard to say The vitaminVitamin D is deficient and parents should be careful to avoid accidental overdoses. Parents of children who have had a broken bone may also wonder if their child is getting enough calcium, especially children with lactose intolerance. Does it make sense to take vitamin D ? During the year? And how can parents estimate the average intake soccer daily? In the next few lines we will explain everything you need to know, according to what is published on the site. healthnews“.

The relationship between calcium, sunlight and bone strength

Vitamin D is one of the oldest hormones produced from a lifetime of exposure to sunlight and plays an important role in bone metabolism and other cellular functions. An association between sun exposure and rickets (soft, weak bones) it was noticed in 1889 – children in industrialized countries were more vulnerable Children in less developed countries The solution? sunbathing This is because vitamin D is important for calcium regulation and must be made by the skin through a chemical reaction triggered by exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun. (rays UVB) and it is best achieved when the sun is high in the sky.

Vitamin D, calcium and bone health

Bones are a non-static matrix of cells: they undergo regular remodeling throughout life, allowing bones to grow and the body to get the calcium it needs from stores in the skeleton. Vitamin D is linked to bone health because it plays an important role in regulating calcium, but it also plays a role in sending signals to cells within the immune system.

Calcium is important not only for bone growth but also for cellular functions, such as muscle contraction. These observations linking sunlight to bone health eventually led to vitamin D and calcium-fortified foods, such as milk and bread.

Does my child need a vitamin D supplement?

Vitamin D use among adults has increased dramatically since the pandemic, however, parents may not be aware that many children are also deficient in vitamin D.

How much vitamin D should my child take?

The American Institute of Medicine recommends a supplement containing 600 IU of vitamin D for people younger than 70. The maximum safe limit is between 2,000 and 4,000 IU per day. Most multivitamin supplements contain 2,000 IU of vitamin D, but a multivitamin can contain up to 1,000 IU..

Toxicity is possible because vitamin D, as well as vitamins A, E and K, are fat-soluble vitamins, meaning that amounts in excess of what your body needs aren’t excreted in your urine..

What is the required daily amount of calcium?

A child between the ages of 9 and 18 needs 1,300 mg of calcium per day, or about 4 tall glasses of milk. However, most teenagers, especially girls, don’t get enough calcium each day, and many children don’t drink a lot of milk or are allergic to milk. Other non-dairy sources of calcium include salmon, hard cheese, sardines, almonds, and dark green vegetables green leaves.

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