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Know that this is the process of rain, complete with explanations

Description of Rain. (Pixabay / Pexels)

Hitekno.com – How Rain process And what are the steps? As is known, in early September 2021 many parts of Indonesia will enter the rainy season.

According to an official report from the Center for Climate Change, the Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that the monsoon season in Indonesia will start in early September 2021 but not at the same time.

Then what is the process? Rain And what level? Follow the description below.

Of course, to predict the arrival of rain, observations must first be made, one of which is by understanding the process of rain. The following is a review that discusses the process of rain and its explanation.

The process of precipitation

Description of Rain, (Pixabay / Horacio30)

Generally, soil precipitation occurs in several stages: Evaporation, Compression And Rainfall. Here are the details of the bathing process that you need to know:


The first stage in the precipitation process is evaporation, which refers to the evaporation of water by geothermal heat emitted by the sun.

Large amounts of standing water, such as that found in rivers, lakes and oceans, go through a process of evaporation that turns into particles or steam. Also, steam rises and collects in the atmosphere and then condenses into clouds.

The main factors that affect this condition are temperature, hot air temperature, high evaporation of water in the air. The effect is more likely to rain.


The next precipitation process is condensation, where water undergoes a condensation process after rising to the sky through the evaporation process. At this point the vapor turns into small particles.

In the compression process, temperature and altitude are two factors that affect water changes, high temperature and cold clouds. Freezing steam will speed up the steam process, so the steam turns into ice.


The last stage of the rain process is precipitation. This process refers to the melting of ice grains in clouds before they eventually turn into raindrops.

The process of precipitation involves clouds that have formed previously, and then the wind can blow to a certain place where it will rain. When clouds evaporate, when they form, they automatically pump water to the ground in the form of raindrops.

As the clouds approach the ground, the ice melts due to changes in temperature. As a result, the total that appears closer to the mainland will be less and vice versa. When the clouds are further from the ground, the rainfall will be higher.

Therefore, it is our responsibility to keep the environment clean. Because everything in nature is interconnected.

Thus the explanation and explanation of the process of rain. We know that water plays an important role in the life of every living thing on earth.

This is an explanation of the process and conditions for the occurrence of rain. I hope this helps. (Suara.com/Thea Alif Pathika).

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