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Know how to express breast milk naturally according to doctors

KOMPAS.com – Mother’s Milk Water (ABOUT) is the main nutrient a newborn needs during the first six months of his life. Because, breast milk contains many minerals and vitamins that are good for baby’s growth.

So not infrequently, many mothers feel worried if only a little milk comes out. However, the assumption that there is little breast milk is not correct, because there are several stages of breastfeeding breast milk production in a new mother.

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According to Community Nutritionist Dr Tan Shot Yen, M.hum, there are three stages in breast milk production, among them:

1. Stage 1 lactogenesis

At this stage, for 12 weeks before birth, the mammary glands are ready to produce milk.

2. Stage 2 lactogenesis

Up to 72 hours postpartum, early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD) is important for subsequent successful breastfeeding.

Some mothers may also experience ‘dripping’ breast milk, but this is normal because the baby’s stomach is very small.

“Precious (milk) drops are called colostrum, the baby’s first line of protection, which is rich in antibodies. It means that after three days of giving birth, new milk will flow freely,” said Tan, when contacted Kompas.com, Tuesday (1/3/2022).

“This is a critical moment when mothers who do not understand become confused and trapped (using) formula milk,” he continued.

3. Stage 3 galactopoiesis

At this stage, breast milk is produced steadily and more and more with the more often the baby suckles. The hormones prolactin and oxytocin also play a role in this process.

So, how how to release breast milk naturally?

According to Tan, the main key to breastfeeding smoothly is to breastfeed often. This, he said, is a way to promote breast milk naturally for mothers.

“The basic principle (launching breast milk) is that the more often (babies) are breastfed, the more breast milk production will be. (This method) is very natural,” he explained.

In addition, you can also do lactation massage or massage techniques to help release breast milk, lead a healthy lifestyle, or consume additional nutrients that contain galactagogue compounds, for example in katuk leaves.

Also read: IDAI: Exclusive Breastfeeding is Important to Prevent Stunting in Children

Mothers need to learn to breastfeed

Doctor Tan said that new mothers need to learn about good attachment, because humans cannot rely on instinct and instinct alone for successful breastfeeding.

“To be able to breastfeed, we are not the same as animals who do it as an ‘instinct’ or instinct,” he added.

She added that mothers also had to learn to understand the condition of a hungry or sick baby, the adequacy of breastfeeding, and understand the changes in how to breastfeed as the baby grows.

The reason is, often babies are easily distracted or don’t focus on optimally breastfeeding.

Also read: What is the composition of breast milk, the best food for babies during the golden period?

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