TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Heartburn is a feeling of pain in the chest and throat as a result of hydrochloric acid hitting the esophagus. Hydrochloric acid itself is a liquid produced by the stomach to help smooth the digestive process.
Reported by medlineplus.gov, heartburn is also called a disorder digestion sour. A feeling where you feel your chest and throat burning to the point of pain. This is caused by stomach acid returning to your esophagus.
To digest food, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid. However, the presence of a mucous layer in the stomach protects it from hydrochloric acid, whereas the esophagus does not have it. As a result, you will feel a burning sensation in the area near your heart when food and stomach acid are regurgitated back into your esophagus. This burning feeling is known as heartburn.
Reported by www.mayoclinic.org a burning feeling in the chest after eating can be at night, and when lying down or bending down the pain worsens, and a mouth that tastes bitter or sour is a symptom of heartburn.
Furthermore, if you still feel heartburn more than twice a week, have taken medication but still experience symptoms, difficulty swallowing, persistent nausea or vomiting, weight loss due to difficulty eating or you have no appetite, then you should immediately make doctor’s appointment.
Reporting from aboutgerd.org, the stomach can produce hydrochloric acid to help digestion. However, when hydrochloric acid returns from the stomach to the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux) will cause irritation because it is not protected. Usually, we are not aware of this because the stomach is designed to withstand the acid.
Stress or strong emotions can also affect heartburn. To avoid heartburn you can do this as a solution, including:
1. It is better to eat dinner early so that the food can be digested before going to bed.
2. For dinner try to eat lighter foods.
3. Remain seated for some time after eating if possible.
4. Have a healthy diet and take medication.
5. Avoid foods such as fat, onions, chocolate, and alcohol that can stimulate production stomach acid thus triggering heartburn.
Read: Excessive Ginger Consumption Can Cause Heartburn Effects
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