TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Symptom inflammation throat can vary, depending on the cause.
For example throat pain or itching, glands in the neck or jaw are swollen or painful, tonsils are swollen or red, white patches appear on the tonsils, and the voice is hoarse.
In addition to these symptoms, the infection inflammation throat can also cause fever, cough, body aches, headache, nausea, and vomiting.
The symptoms experienced can be very disruptive to activities.
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According to the Mayo Clinic website, inflammation throat can recover on its own or treat it with prescription drugs.
But we can also treat inflammation throat with natural ingredients.
Even natural ingredients to treat inflammation throat it’s very easy to get.
Here are natural ingredients that are effective in treating inflammation throat:
1. Honey
Honey is a medicine inflammation throat natural products that have been used for generations.