Prince Harry is currently in London.
Prince Harry is currently in London but does not meet his father the king Charlesia.
The king’s tight schedules have been reported as the reason.
– (The meeting) is unfortunately not possible due to his majesty’s full schedule. The Duke (of Sussex) obviously understands his father’s commitments and other priorities and hopes to see him soon, Harry’s representative said, according to the Mirror.

Prince Harry is currently in London. AOP
Harry arrived in Britain on Tuesday, as London is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games event founded by the prince. Harry traveled from the United States alone without his wife Meghania and the couple’s two children.
Harry’s trip was announced to the public at the beginning of April. King Charles recently returned to diplomatic duties after a sick leave following his cancer diagnosis.
Harry will attend a mass at St. Paul’s Cathedral on Wednesday. At the same time, King Charles has meetings about two miles away at Buckingham Palace.
A garden party will also be held at the palace on Wednesday, in which Charles may participate.
Prince Harry arrived in his old country on Tuesday. The trip will be short this time too. AOP
“The relationship is broken”
Royal Expert Tom Quinn reflects in an interview with the Mirror that the official statement means unequivocally that Harry is not welcome.
– The relationship between father and son has been broken, perhaps irrevocably.
Quinn says that Harry’s representative’s reasonable-sounding statement hides a huge amount of annoyance, anger and bitterness.
– King Charles has cancer. Still, his son says they won’t see each other during the rare visit, and vaguely talks about seeing his father “sometimes.”
King Charles is said to be too busy to meet his son. AOP
In another Mirror article, Quinn speculates that while the statement about the king’s busyness creates the impression that Charles would not agree to see his son, the feeling is actually mutual.
– The relationship is simply too toxic, Quinn says about Harry and Charles.
– We should also not forget the royal family’s long history of rejecting those who are seen as a threat to the institution. Harry has proven himself to be a serious threat. The royal family hates having its dirty laundry aired in public. Harry has done just that with his books and interviews.
According to Quinn, no one in the royal family trusts that Harry will not continue to criticize the family.
Plans announced
On Tuesday, Harry attended an event organized in London, after which he had dinner with his friends by Guy Monson with. Captured by the cameras, Harry seemed quite happy while walking in his former hometown.
On Wednesday, Harry will give a speech at the Invictus Games celebratory service. It is known that no other royals will attend the event.
Prince Harry posed in front of the cameras quite happily. AOP
PR specialist Jane Owen believes, according to the Mirror, that Harry wanted to publish his exact schedule to send a message to his family that he had no intention of messing up his own busy plans for them.
– Mentioning the dinner plans was not an accident. I would think that Harry wanted to communicate that he is busy and has plans related to work.
From London, Harry continues his journey to Nigeria. Meghan will also join the delegation trip.
The last time Harry and Charles met was in February, when it was announced that Charles had cancer. Harry traveled to see his father as soon as he got the news.
According to the information, the meeting was stormy. According to sources, Queen Camilla kicked her stepson out into the yard and told him not to come back.
Hovilähde told the National Enquirer that Camilla was devastated that Harry left without the palace’s approval and arrived with a bad attitude.
According to the claims, Harry first waited for his father for hours and upon arrival demanded that Camilla leave the room while the two met.
– I have heard that Camilla was furious. She has received a lot of pain in the neck from Harry over the years and couldn’t wait to give it back in the same way, says a court source.
According to the claims, Camilla would have driven Harry to the yard during the last meeting. AOP
According to the source, Camilla had enough at the point when, in her opinion, Harry used Charles’s cancer as a PR stunt of a “loving son”.
– After the reunion of father and son, Camilla reportedly said that Harry was a disgrace to his father, his family and the monarchy and made it clear without a doubt that he was not wanted back, the source says.
In the end, the meeting between Harry and Charles only lasted about half an hour. According to the palace’s official announcement, Charles had to cut the meeting short because he was tired due to his cancer treatments that he had just started.
Charles also headed to London from Windsor on Tuesday. AOP
After that meeting, Harry talked about his trip in an interview with ABC News. The prince said at the time that he hoped he would return to London soon.
– I have planned other trips to or through Britain. I’m going to stick around and see my family as much as possible, Harry said at the time.
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