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Knock! UN Officially ‘Goes Down’ on Israel-Palestine in Gaza

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The United Nations (UN) agreed to investigate alleged human rights crimes (HAM) in the 11-day fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, Palestine. This is the result of the UN Human Rights Council forum, Thursday (26/5/2021).

Of the toll, the United Nations says Israel’s attacks on Gaza and Hamas’ attacks on Israel may have violated international law on war. Where both sides target civilians.

“We have verified 270 deaths in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem, 68 of them children. Meanwhile Hamas rockets into Israel have killed 10 civilians,” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet was quoted as saying. Reuters, Friday (28/5/2021).

This received a rejection response from the camps of both sides. Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, called their group’s actions “legitimate resistance”.

“Immediate steps to punish Israel,” said a Hamas spokesman.

The stronghold of the International Islamic Organization or OIC which supports Palestine also said that the UN did not see clearly that Israel was the one who committed the crime. Palestine is just fighting to escape the law apartheid enacted by the Jewish state.

“Unfortunately, global human rights defenders continue to claim that they continue to protect invaders from global accountability,” said Pakistan’s Ambassador to the OIC, Khalil Hashmi, speaking on behalf of the OIC.

“Literally providing weapons and ammunition for widely reported war crimes and apartheid crimes against the Palestinian people.”

On the other hand, Israel rejected the investigation adopted from the forum and said it would not cooperate. The country instead accused the UN forum of covering up genocide by terrorist organizations.

“Today’s embarrassing decision is another example of the UN Human Rights Council’s blatant anti-Israel obsession,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement.

Israel’s foreign ministry said its forces were acting in accordance with international law. Claims to defend its citizens from Hamas rocket fire.

Israel’s main ally, the United States (US), said it deeply regretted the decision at the forum. Yesterday in Geneva, the US only acted as an observer and did not participate.

“Today’s actions even threaten to jeopardize the progress that has been made,” said a statement issued by the U.S. mission to the UN in Geneva.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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