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Knock, doctor of the future from the past

Of ” Let’s not confuse. Does it tickle you, or does it itch you? » at “Healthy people are sick people who ignore themselves”Passing by ” The medical age can begin », the replicas of the Knock, by Jules Romains, have become proverbial. Since its creation in 1923, the success of the play has not been denied, and so much the worse for the medical profession, which does not emerge from the three acts of this grating comedy. But what is most impressive in this text are not the humorous traits, however well felt. It is the prescience of the author, whose warnings, addressed to the medicine of his time, retain in many respects their relevance for that of ours.

The plot, of course, is known. Dr Knock disembarks at Saint-Maurice, a village of a few thousand souls, to take over the patient care of Dr Parpalaid. Striving to succeed where his colleague, in the words of his own wife, ” vegetated “, he applies techniques inspired by marketing: communication via the indescribable city drum, free consultations to attract customers, partnership with the pharmacy…

Behind its light appearance, Jules Romains’ play raises debates which, nearly a hundred years later, are still stirring the medical sphere. ” “Getting sick”, an old notion that no longer holds up to the data of current scienceprofesses Knock in front of the pharmacist Mousquet, somewhat amazed. For my part, I only know people more or less affected by more or less numerous diseases with more or less rapid evolution.. “And the doctor to plead, of course, in favor of early diagnosis, when the spectator, he asks himself the question of overdiagnosis.

Knock, already medicine on Excel spreadsheet

In Act III, we see Knock explain to Parpalaid, figures and graphs in support, the progress made during the three months that he took over his patient. First the consultations. ” Mid-October: 37. Late October: 90. Late November: 128. Late December: I haven’t taken the reading yet, but we’re over 150 Knock brags. Then it goes to the treatment curve. ” At the beginning of October, this is the situation you left me; patients in regular treatment at home: 0, right?he asks Parpalaid. End of October: 32. End of November: 121. End of December… our number will be between 245 and 250. “Jules Romains cannot know it, but the spectator of the XXIe century, hearing this tirade, can only think of current hospital management, so often accused of being reduced to an Excel spreadsheet.

But that’s not all. Because Knock, devoted to his task, leads ” a forced life », in the words of the innkeeper, Madame Rémy, whose establishment is experiencing growing success under the effect of the popularity of the new doctor. ” As soon as he gets up, it’s to run to the visitsshe declares to a Parpalaid who does not believe his ears. At ten o’clock he goes to the hotel […]. Then consultations at home. And visits, again, to the end of the canton. I know very well that he has his car, a nice new car which he drives at top speed. But I’m sure he’s eaten a sandwich more than once. ” You said burnout ?

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