Home » Health » Knee pain when bending and walking down or up stairs could be linked to this condition

Knee pain when bending and walking down or up stairs could be linked to this condition

In the course of our life we ​​can experience pain of different nature, more or less severe, but all responsible for strong discomfort. In fact, when something hurts us we have difficulty in moving and doing them requires effort and suffering. This is the case, for example, when we wake up with the stiff and sore backa feeling that is often highly disabling.

Joint pains do not hinder us any less. Among the joints that most often hurt us, the knee certainly holds a prominent place. Sometimes it could be due to gout and an excess of uric acid to reduce, in this case it would appear swollen and red. The causes, however, could be the most disparate and differ in some characteristics.


To understand the cause of our malaise we should look at the circumstances in which it arises. Pain in the knee when bending it could be linked to a specific pathology. In this case, it could manifest itself by putting it under strain, for example when kneeling or squatting. It could then get especially worse when we go up or down stairs.

Likewise, it could also occur when you keep it at rest. Also, it could affect both knees. The pain would affect the front of the knee, precisely under the patella or on the sides. Other symptoms could be swelling as well as crunching of the affected knee. If we were to find ourselves with what we have seen so far, our problem could be there chondromalacia of the patella.

Knee pain when bending and walking down or up stairs could be linked to this condition

Chondromalacia of the patella would be a condition in which there would be the wearing down of the cartilage connected to the patella, the one that allows the knees to flex. There could be several factors underlying this situation. In fact, in the adolescent phase, it could depend on hormones and resolve on its own. However, trauma and overloads, as well as long runs, could also cause the problem.

Overweight and obesity would also affect, as well as patella malformations. If you suspect the presence of chondromalacia, it will be good to contact a doctor to investigate and obtain a certain diagnosis. It will then be the same to recommend possible painkillers and direct us to specific physiotherapy, where he deems it necessary, obviously.

To prevent the disorder, however, it would be important to perform exercises for the legs, in particular to strengthen the quadriceps. As well as, in the case of sports, it could help not to overdo it, use compliant shoes and preliminary stretching exercises.

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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)—

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