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Klarna Customers Express Disappointment and Frustration with Poor Customer Service

– I am really incredibly disappointed, since I thought that Klarna was a more solid and trustworthy company. That Klarna chooses to enter into cooperation with a company that turns out to be “spam” is hair-raising, says Inger-Helene Korsgaard to DinSide.

In December, she bought three portable heaters online, which she chose to pay with Klarna just to be on the safe side. The goods arrived on the same day as the payment was due, and she therefore did not have time to stop the payment.

– After the purchase, I realized that the company was a fraud. The goods were also damaged and unusable upon receipt, says Korsgaard.

WAS DISAPPOINTED: It was this product that Inger-Helene Korsgaard bought online via Klarna. Photo: Private Show more

She therefore wanted to get the money back, and contacted Klarna.

– I have been trying to get my money back since January, and have done everything Klarna has asked me to do, but nothing happens.

Can apply to many people

– Awful

Korsgaard was first asked to send photos of the goods, then she was told to contact the company herself – which she did, without success.

She says that Klarna does not respond to the e-mails she sends them, and receives an apology every time she calls, as well as being told to wait.

– No one in Klarna does anything. There is training, and it seems as if they are waiting for me to get bored and drop it all, says Korsgaard.

The portable heaters cost a total of NOK 615.

– It is not about several thousand kroner, but it is the principle and one does not throw money away anyway. I think perhaps that I have become more irritated by the customer experience I have had with Klarna, explains Korsgaard.

– I would describe this experience as miserable, with incredibly poor customer service. I am probably also more skeptical of Klarna now, and the trust is definitely gone. The customer experience is experienced as miserable and very annoying, she elaborates.

DinSide has been in contact with Klarna. Read their response further down in the case.

Raser: – Impossible!


Another who is critical of Klarna is Roger Warud. He bought an electronic de-icer for the car online, which he paid with Klarna.

– It was supposed to keep the car ice-free using microwaves, but what I received was a perfume box that smelled horrible, Warud tells DinSide.

WAS NOT SATISFIED: This is what the product Roger Warud received looked like, after an online purchase via Klarna. Photo: Private Show more

He contacted Klarna and said he received the wrong item, but was encouraged to contact the company directly – which Warud did.

– I was offered a price reduction, so I contacted Klarna again, he says.

Klarna asked for documentation that the item the man received was wrong – which Warud sent. Nevertheless, time passed without him receiving an answer.

– So I contacted them again, but was asked for the same documentation again, says Warud.

The electronic av-iser cost NOK 199, including shipping.

– It’s not about the money, but about what Klarna is able to legitimize. I am very suspicious of how they behave, says Warud.

Warns against Klarna

Been on hold

Anne Marie Finstad also tells of an unfortunate experience with Klarna. She ordered a pair of slippers on a website that advertised free shipping and returns throughout Norway.

Finstad went up a size on the slippers to make sure they would fit, but that was not the case. Even though she ordered the largest size the website sold, they were too small.

REACTS: Anne Marie Finstad says that she has been in contact with eight different people in Klarna – only on the phone. Photo: Private Show more

– I contacted the company who offered me a discount, but I wasn’t interested in it when the slippers didn’t fit. I wanted to return them, Finstad tells DinSide.

She was thus asked to return the item at her own expense, which she did not accept.

– I contacted Klarna in January, and the case has been on hold ever since.

– Feeling stupid

– Seems unprofessional

Finstad says that she has called and sent countless e-mails to Klarna since January. She has also been asked to document that the item is defective several times.

– I have tried to explain that the item is not defective, but that it does not fit and that I want to return it. So I have sent Klarna photo evidence anyway, without the result that I have had the amount I have with them deleted, says Finstad.

PROOF SENT: Several times Anne Marie Finstad sent proof that the slippers she ordered (th) were too small by showing another pair next to them. Photo: Private Show more

The slippers cost NOK 690.

– It is not such a large amount, but the principle. I have made no further progress since January, and have been in contact with them countless times, Finstad explains.

– I think they have very poor customer service. The calls are not logged, and you have to start over each time. I think it seems very unprofessional. You never get any confirmation that they have received the documentation they request, she elaborates.

Hello! My name is Anastasia Møyland, and I cover several fields in DinSide – including consumer finance, rights and fraud. Do you have any tips on this, or other consumer issues I should look into?

Klarna answers

DinSide has been in contact with Klarna, who will respond on a general basis – regardless of the customer experiences described above.

– How do you investigate a company before you choose to offer a payment solution through them?

– Klarna has a semi-automated process that gives stores the opportunity to quickly get started with payment solutions, writes press contact at Klarna, John Craske, in an e-mail to DinSide.

According to the press contact, this process includes, among other things, checks to ensure that businesses comply with relevant laws and regulations, as well as that they meet a number of their criteria.

– The goal is to give Klarna users a safe and problem-free experience when shopping online, says Crascke.


– Act immediately

The press contact at Klarna states that they also carry out continuous checks, as well as monitor the online stores to ensure that their guidelines are followed.

– If we discover a pattern that shows that the requirements have not been met, we act immediately, says Crascke.

Everyone DinSide has spoken to in this matter says that they have been asked to send the same type of documentation several times, and that they often received a standard response from Klarna. We therefore asked whether Klarna has “real” customer advisors who answer e-mails, or whether it happens automatically.

– Of course, we have several thousand customer service employees who work dedicatedly to provide our customers with high-quality support. AI (artificial intelligence) also supports our customer service function with the same satisfaction levels as the human agents, says Crascke.

– Since Klarna acts as a payment provider, it is important that customers are clear about the retailer’s processes, he emphasizes.

2024-04-07 07:08:29
#breeds #Unprofessional

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