Home » today » News » Klang Competition Live performance! on the Opéra Comédie in Montpellier 2023: locations, tickets, dates, reservations …

Klang Competition Live performance! on the Opéra Comédie in Montpellier 2023: locations, tickets, dates, reservations …

KLANG Competition! was created underneath the route of Julien Guillamat (artwork director) in June 2014 and is celebrating its tenth anniversary.

The competition celebrates its tenth version with the return of François Bayle, pioneer of acoustic music, the good assortment of electroacoustic music by Bernard Parmegiani and François Bayle, but additionally stay performances by Tympocaïne 200, Aisha Orazbayeva and Peiman Khosravi.

Let’s not overlook the large names of the competition and the Maison des Arts Sonores:

  • Jonty Harrison,
  • Ann Mahtani,
  • Dennis Smalley,
  • Pete Stollery,
  • Annette Vande Gorne,
  • Inés Wickmann
  • and Marie-Jeanne Wyckmans and co.

Not forgetting Francis Dhomont (1926-2023), our president within the highlight this 12 months!


Comedy Sq. 34000 Montpellier

Dates and occasions:

  • from Monday June 5, 2023 to Saturday June 8, 2024


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    2024-06-02 22:29:11
    #Klang #Competition #Live performance #Opéra #Comédie #Montpellier #locations #tickets #dates #reservations

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