Home » today » World » KKE: The government is afraid and closes the Inquiry for Tempi – 2024-02-22 19:36:53

KKE: The government is afraid and closes the Inquiry for Tempi – 2024-02-22 19:36:53

“Hastened closure of the investigation commission’s work, while from the examination of the witnesses so far it had become clear that it should continue and more witnesses be examined”, complains the KO of the KKE.

With its announcement, the Parliamentary Group of the KKE accuses the government of being “afraid of what has been revealed so far, during the work of the commission of inquiry to date, that is, its enormous responsibilities, not only for the prescribed crime in Tempi, but also for trying to cover it up afterwards.”

The announcement of the Parliamentary Group of the KKE

“For the decision of the governing majority of the ND to “close” the work of the commission of inquiry for Tempi

We denounce the unacceptable decision of the governing majority of the ND to proceed with the hasty closing of the work of the commission of inquiry, while from the examination of the witnesses so far it had become clear that this must continue and that more witnesses be examined!

With its attitude, the government is afraid of what has been revealed so far, during the work of the commission of inquiry to date, that is, its enormous responsibilities, not only for the prescribed crime in Tempe, but also for the attempt to cover it up afterwards, with the unacceptable intervention of the Ministry and the Region at the scene of the crime and the disappearance of the evidence. It also became clear that he does not want the question of the explosion and the fire that broke out on the trains to be addressed specifically.

She’s kidding if she thinks she’ll get out of the way easily. One year after the tragic crime in Tempe, she is accountable to the people, the families of the victims!

The great strike on February 28 will be the best response to the attempt to cover up the truth!

With its conclusion, the KKE will reveal to the people the heavy political and criminal responsibilities of the ND government, but also of all governments to date for the fragmentation of the railway and its privatization, with the blessings of the EU, the absence of security systems, which combined with the understaffing of the OSE, not only did they prepare the crime in Tempe, but they are also laying the groundwork for more!”

Read also: Markopoulos escaped (again) in the Examination: He targets the appellant – investigator of Larisa

#KKE #government #afraid #closes #Inquiry #Tempi

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