Jakarta –
Armed criminal group terrorists (KKB) in Papua again acting up. This time they burned residents’ houses and opened fire on joint TNI-Polri officers in Nipuralome Village, Ilaga District, Puncak Regency, Central Papua.
Kabid Humas Polda Papua Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo said the arson and shooting of joint TNI/Polri officers was carried out by KKB Head of Water led by Titus Murib Kwalik.
Residents’ houses that were burned were located on the side tower Telkom in Kampung Kago. Meanwhile, gunfire with joint TNI-Polri officers occurred in Nipuralome Village, Ilaga District, Puncak Regency, Saturday (18/2/2023).
“Around 12.50 WIT, one gunshot was heard and thick smoke was seen coming from the direction tower Telkomsel Ilaga and the joint team responded to the source of the smoke,” said Kombes Benny in his statement, Saturday (18/2/2023).
When the personnel arrived at the location, it turned out that the source of the smoke was coming from a burning resident’s house. The joint team immediately chased the perpetrators who ran towards Nipuralome Village.
“When they arrived at Nipularome Village, the joint team received shots from the KKB and the team immediately fired back towards the shots,” he said.
He said there were no casualties from the shooting.
“There were no casualties in this gun battle, but there was material loss in which the KKB set fire to a house on the side tower Telkom. At present the joint personnel are still carrying out guard and patrols around Ilaga City,” he explained.
In a different place, Peak Police Chief Kompol I Nyoman Punia said that currently officers have not yet processed the TKP because the situation is still vulnerable.
“The condition of the house that was burned was empty because the owner had abandoned it. The material loss was around Rp. 350 million,” said Kompol Nyoman Punia.