Home » today » Technology » Kjell Inge Røkke believes Aker must invest 50 billion to realize plans in Narvik – NRK Nordland

Kjell Inge Røkke believes Aker must invest 50 billion to realize plans in Narvik – NRK Nordland

There are many indications that Narvik is facing a new spring.

The city, which a few years after the war was the largest in northern Norway, today has fewer inhabitants than cities such as Harstad and Mo i Rana.

But if Aker’s enormous plans become a reality, things can suddenly look quite different for the ore city with about 21,000 inhabitants.

Because it’s a lot of money.

Narvik Mayor Rune Edvardsen and CEO Øyvind Eriksen of Aker ASA.

Photo: Petter Strøm / NRK

– It is almost completely sick when you just think about the number, says mayor Rune Edvardsen (Labor) to NRK.

The number he is thinking of is 50 billion. A number that appears in a shareholder letter written by Kjell Inge Røkke and CEO Øyvind Eriksen of Aker ASA.

They write:

“In order to realize the plans in Narvik, more than NOK 50 billion will probably have to be invested.”

Focuses on green energy

NRK has previously written about what the plans entail.

In October, the company launched plans for a major investment in green energy in Narvik.

Aker’s green subsidiary Aker Horizons has already spent NOK 500 million on buying up large areas in the municipality for the purpose.

Among other things, they will focus on green steel, hydrogen, batteries and data centers. Aker’s ambition is also to make Narvik a green competence center for Norway.

– Aker has exciting businesses elsewhere in the country, but there is no other place that gathers as much green business as Narvik does, Øyvind Eriksen told the local newspaper Forwards when he presented the plans.

During the press conference, Eriksen emphasized that Aker also wants to build society in the region.

– We want to create Narvik as a good place to grow up, a good place to work and a good place to live.


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Røkke company launches major industrial investment in Narvik. See footage of the press conference here.

– A new time calculation for Narvik

For mayor Rune Edvardsen, this is like music to his ears.

– With everything that Aker wants to do in Narvik, we all understand that there will be huge sums. We look forward to getting started. It will be a new time calculation for Narvik. We are about to enter a new era of rallies.

– In the 60s, Narvik was Northern Norway’s largest city. Since then, the regional centers Bodø and Tromsø have grown a lot, while in Narvik there has been a status quo. Recently, Narvik has also had a decline in population. We hope to do something about it, says the mayor.

Throughout its history, Narvik has been an industrial city. The cornerstone company has been the Swedish mining company LKAB, which has transported ore with the Ofot line from northern Sweden.

– If there is something we can and have been doing, it is industry. Now we are gearing up for a new industrial adventure.

Because it is not just Aker that has big plans in the ore city.

This winter, Teco launched 2030 plans for the production of hydrogen fuel cells in Narvik. The hydrogen company was informed yesterday that they will receive NOK 50 million from Innovation Norway. The company has ambitions for 500 jobs in Narvik.

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