Home » News » Kiwanis Club Worms Donates 1,200 Euros to Ahornweg Daycare Center in Neuhausen

Kiwanis Club Worms Donates 1,200 Euros to Ahornweg Daycare Center in Neuhausen

The children from the Ahornweg daycare center in Neuhausen looked very excited from their group rooms. There was a special visit coming up.

The Worms Kiwanis Club led by President Norbert Jansen visited the kindergarten and had a large gift – 1,200 euros – in their luggage. The Kiwanis Club Worms eV has been a partner of the daycare center since 2016 and supports it annually with a fixed donation amount. Until now, the amount has always gone towards the daycare’s breakfast budget. Starting this year, the donation will be used for other projects. This year’s donation is intended to equip a new research room, which is to be created as part of the daycare’s concept change – from closed to partially open work.

“We always focus our projects on the interests of the children. At the moment, everything that has to do with nature is hugely exciting for the children. “It’s all the better that we can now use the donation to initiate other projects,” says Sibel Aydin, head of the Ahornweg daycare center, about the Kiwanis Club’s donation. Head of Social Affairs Waldemar Herder also greatly appreciates the support of the Kiwanians: “I find your annual commitment impressive and I am very pleased that you are so committed to the needs of the children and support our daycare center.”

The Kiwanis is a worldwide organization of volunteers that actively supports the well-being of children. What is now the third largest global service club organization was founded in 1915 in the USA. The Worms Kiwanis Club was founded in 2014. The sum for this year’s donation was collected during a lecture by Kiwanis member Jürgen Seckler last November. The association regularly coordinates the needs of children and young people in Worms with Head of Social Affairs Herder.

2024-03-12 17:10:40
#Message #heart #children

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