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Kitty, Daisy, and Lewis: Bringing Vintage Vibes to the TerraCeo Festival

They warn that if the public is willing to have a good time, that if they feel the energy on stage, their concert at the TerraCeo Festival will be “a real bombshell”. Kitty, Daisy and Lewis Durham arrive in the city tomorrow to transport the public from Vigo to the 50s.

–How was born that passion for country, blues and more traditional rock?

–Lewis: We grew up playing music as a family at home, at gatherings or at parties. That’s how we got to know the songs that were being sung around us, much like knowing children’s songs without even trying to learn them. It never occurred to us what genre of music we were playing, as we were only doing it for our own enjoyment, which is about feeling and not trying to create a certain sound. We never intended to do anything other than enjoy the moment. From there, everything grew. The best music is still made in the home.

–You are usually labeled as vintage, was any past time better? Do you think people feel nostalgic for music from before?

–L: I think that the public, nowadays, finds freshness with the interaction between the people of music. It is something that is not very present in current music. People are often nostalgic for music made when they were young, as I guess it reminds them of that. Again, for us, it’s all about the feeling that comes out of the music, which is something that can’t really come through the sound itself. Every time we play the same song, the feeling can change. With us, there is also the sum of the parts, that is, the fact that we all play drums, piano, guitar and sing on different songs means that each song can have a very different life from the last time and this also prevents us from getting bored.

–Indeed you are characterized by versatility with a wide variety of instruments, what doors has that ability opened for you?

–Kitty: Being flexible in your abilities is always a good thing. You are able to understand how the different parts of each instrument fit together and work together to create a piece of music, and it is also more interesting to create. Personally this has given me the opportunity to write and perform with many other artists from all walks of life and music genres.

–Is the talent here innate or behind it are many hours of rehearsal?

–K: Definitely, both. I don’t know if I would call it “work”, because it’s something we’ve been doing since we were little kids purely for enjoyment. Like any trade, you have to keep learning to get better, so in that sense we have been investing in “work”, but having others play and learn together meant we could encourage ourselves to be better with the instruments.

–Your parents have played a fundamental role in that and also in your career.

–Daisy: Yes, our parents are one of the main reasons why we ended up where we are. We were never forced or persuaded to start playing the instruments, but our house was always full of music. My mother had a large record collection. I remember her loving ’60s and ’70s stuff like The Kinks and T-Rex. We were very fortunate to have listened to that music and enjoyed it as we did. Don’t get me wrong, I was also really into the Spice Girls and Britney. Then again, our father sang and played acoustic guitar for him often, so what else can one do but join in? We never saw it as a job with them, for us it’s always been fun.

2023-07-21 07:15:14
#grew #playing #family #music #home

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