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Kitchen compositions: senior student adviser ignites flaming pleasures

Dattelner also like to cook. But when, where exactly and how? We pursue these questions in our cooking series today at Detlef Braas.

Detlef Braas’ house entrance area is a little different: Instead of colorful summer flowers, there are large tomato plants in pots that greet the guests in bright red. If you press the doorbell, the Star Wars soundtrack sounds and the host opens the door with a serious look. There is a reason for that, cooking is a very serious matter for the former senior teacher at the Comenius Gymnasium. He has already brought the peeled potatoes to the boil for the intended gnocchi. The potatoes come from the Engelkamp-Knigge farm, the farmer he trusts. They are mashed, whipped with flour and ricotta, two eggs bring the right consistency, then the dough is seasoned with salt, white pepper, fresh nutmeg and fresh sage and is allowed to rest for a while.

Do you compose your meal like a piece of music?

Rather not! Composition is completely free; When it comes to cooking, my creativity has grown over the years, but the basis is a recipe.

Do you listen to music while cooking?

Yes. When I’m alone, I listen to classical music, otherwise WDR 4. I like to turn on the television while I’m cooking and watch the program “Küchenschlacht”. However, like the cooks there, I can’t be finished in 35 minutes.

The current retiree has taught chemistry, computer science, math and music. He has also made a name for himself at the Comenius Gymnasium as a wind class initiator and musical composer. He and his team delighted the audience in numerous school performances in the city hall, which is always sold out. This afternoon he concentrates on the intended duck breast. It is scratched on the skin side, then seared in clarified butter before it disappears on a grate in the oven and is allowed to bring its inside to 62 degrees at low temperature. There is a present hanging on the stove, an apron with a picture of the 2012-2014 wind class.

How important is music in raising children, privately and in school?

It doesn’t work without music, it promotes so many skills. Playing an instrument is a complex process: the eyes, muscles and the brain are involved.

What do the white and black keys mean to you in life?

I need both Some don’t go without the other. A nice D flat major played on black keys sounds warm and soft, while an F minor sounds rather sad on the white keys.

The fine work for the sauce begins, for which fresh chanterelles are fried with onions, an added glass of Hennessy ensures effective flambéing. Braas sets successful accents here as in music. Cream, butter and a veal stock ensure a tasty finish. The duck breast is glazed with fig mustard, butter and breadcrumbs before it is briefly grilled in the oven. Partner Hella Gaede serves an aperitif, sparkling wine with cherry liqueur. She also meticulously cleaned the chanterelles with a brush.

How important is it to you to eat?

Eating is a communal experience with people. A special moment in which I enjoy together with my partner or our guests.

Which musician would you like to have dinner with?

With my favorite composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johannes Sebastian Bach.

The gnocchi dough is still too fluffy for the classical music fan, he reinforces it with more flour and grated Parmesan, then carefully kneads it and forms it into small rolls. The chef cuts even slices of two to three centimeters with the knife. With the prongs of a fork, he presses in the two sides and dips them into boiling salted water until they dance in a whirling motion on the surface. Then they are tossed with a ladle in a pan with butter. His passion for cooking is joined by his second passion, music, in everyday life. Organ, piano, accordion, bass, drums and trombone, his use of instruments is very diverse. However, the 69-year-old is no longer drawn to the public eye; his activities tend to take place hidden behind large church organs in church services. On the other hand, he appreciates the appearance of his new bright red kitchen appliance, since he has owned it, no ready-made pizzas have been on the table. His culinary skills are enjoyed by his four children with partners and five grandchildren, who live around the world, at large family get-togethers. And his brother, who lives on Lake Constance and loves to cook as much as he does. Both are amazed at how well they do it, because their mother was reluctant to find herself in the kitchen, her father never. On this evening there is only pianissimo indulging until a forte called “very tasty” breaks the silence.

Which piece of music suits dates in your ears?

Less a piece of music. For me it is more like the original Karl Hölscher with his music.

potato gnocchi

  • While in Italy waxy potatoes are used to make gnocchi, German chefs often use floury potatoes in their recipes. In Italy, gnocchi can be found across the country and they are also very popular in Germany.
  • Next cooking story: The crime dinner

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