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“Kisses with tongue with Pretelli” – Libero Quotidiano

Francesco Fredella

November 13, 2020-

Come in Wild Rome. Chaos breaks out. A real scene between the new entry and Elisabetta Gregoraci (who calls herself a special friend of Pierpaolo Pretelli). “Kisses with the tongue with Pierpaolo”, Roma thunders. He denies. Embarrassment falls into the studio. “There were kisses. I don’t know if he remembers them, I think so. We have known each other for two years, through friends of friends. We also had an event together. In fact, we met for the first time at the hairdresser”, he continues Rome (formerly of Chiofalo). But Pretelli tries to straighten the shot like this: Selvaggia is a friend of mine, not special. He had a relationship with a friend of mine, not me. There have never been kisses. “

And then Gregoraci intervenes, who defends herself. “We didn’t have fun, it’s a pure relationship – says the ex of Flavio Briatore -. Having someone who supports you is important. I don’t need to march and play .. I was clear from the start, believe me. Now we slowed down, we managed to talk to each other. What we have is that we love each other. Neither I tease him nor he tease me. Wild, he never told me about you. We have found a balance “,

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