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Kirsty Coventry’s dream: “I, the first woman at the top of the IOC”

Even seven candidates to take the place of the German Thomas Bach at the helm of the IOC: voting will take place next year, in March, in Athens. The big news would be the choice by the 111 CIO members of a woman, Kirsty Coventry, 41 anni. This has never happened in the 130-year history of the International Olympic Committee. Just as it has never happened that a manager from Africa or South America was chosen. Kirsty Coventry is African, specifically from Zimbabwe: she is a former athlete, swimming Olympian (seven medals including two gold) in the backstroke, former world record holder, since 2018 minister of youth, sport, art and leisure of his country. He is also a member of the IOC executive. He was part of the athletes commission, “who are at the center of everything”, and is president of the IOC coordination commission for the Dakar 2026 and Brisbane 2032 Games.

Having trained in the United States and Zimbabwe, she knows how funding can differ between countries and how this affects athletes. She is certainly prepared: and the fact of being a woman, and a great former athlete, could convince Bach to support her. The other candidates are Spanish Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr. the British Sir Sebastian CoeFrench David Lappartient, the Japanese Morinari Watanabethe Jordanian prince Feisal Al Hussein and the British Johan Eliasch. In January a secret meeting will be held in Lausanne where, at the IOC headquarters, all the candidates will present their programme. Some might even withdraw. Not Kirsty who cultivates the dream of making sporting history.

Milan-Cortina 2026, Artificial Intelligence also overseeing the Games

Artificial intelligence to safeguard the legality of the Milan Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The novelty emerged during a discussion between the Anti-Mafia Prevention Structure of the Ministry of the Interior, Simico, Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate, Central Joint Forces Group of the Department of Public Security and Department for the planning and coordination of economic policy of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Simico, a government-owned company, which has the function of creating the 100 works of the Milano Cortina 2026 Games for a value of over 3 billion euros, presented the database functional to the monitoring of negotiation, procedural events and financial flows.

A cutting-edge web application has also been introduced which will allow the progress of construction site activities to be accelerated and monitored in real time. The project developed following the signing of the Framework Protocol of Legality and the related additional act signed last August by the director of the Structure for Anti-Mafia Prevention, Prefect Paolo Canaparo and the CEO of Infrastrutture Milano Cortina 2026 and Extraordinary Commissioner, Fabio Massimo Saldini, with the aim of guaranteeing legality and transparency in the entire life cycle of contracts for works, services and supplies connected to the organization and carrying out of the Games. The protocol implements the Guidelines for carrying out anti-mafia checks adopted by the Coordination Committee for the High Surveillance of Infrastructures and Priority Settlements approved by Cipess, with which the measures to accelerate the anti-mafia control and verification procedures have been defined in order to guarantee compliance with the deadlines set for the completion of the works, while maintaining a high level of supervision. Simico, in its functions as a contracting authority, has implemented dynamic monitoring through the establishment of a database containing constantly updated information on the executors and the activities entrusted, as well as site or sub-site weeklies, ensuring the regularity and continuity of the flow of data and information towards the Structure and other Supervisory Authorities. Simico has developed a cutting-edge web application, which can be consulted from any fixed or mobile device, integrating advanced artificial intelligence systems to guarantee simple and immediate access to crucial data with maximum clarity, precision and efficiency. One of the platform’s defining features is its semantic viewing approach, which intelligently highlights information based on the user’s specific interests. This filter ensures that relevant data is brought to the forefront, saving time and improving decision-making and control processes. A comprehensive history feature allows users to explore activity on every jobsite, in every geographic area, with clickable entries indicating detailed data, documents, tables and related graphs.

Green light for the agricultural civil service

“The Agricultural Civil Service becomes reality and represents a new and fascinating opportunity for young people. And in October the Notice for the planning dedicated to Universal Civil Service Bodies will be published”: the announcement came from the Minister for Sport and Youth , Andrea Abodi. A project that will include an initial experimentation for 1,000 young people aged 18 to 28, with an initial investment of approximately 7 million euros. It represents a unique opportunity to bring young people closer to a strategic sector such as agriculture while promoting sustainability and innovation – explains the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Francesco Lollobrigida -. Through this project, we intend to enhance the talent and skills of young people, offering them the opportunity to concretely contribute to the growth of our rural communities”. Then Abodi’s words: “We are deeply convinced that young people constitute an indispensable and vital resource for cultural, social and economic growth of our nation. Investing concretely and with conviction in them, through the Universal Civil Service, means strengthening a tool for promoting the founding values ​​of the Italian Republic, recognizing the importance of social generosity and at the same time enhancing the role of active youth politics in Italy”.

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