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Kirk Douglas abused Natalie Wood when the actress was 16

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Thanks to movement Me Too which began in October 2017 after complaints about sexual assault and sexual harassment Against the American film producer and executive Harvey Weinstein, many other past and present cases are coming to light in the Hollywood industry. There are many stories that have been hidden around male industry figures, who used their positions of power to abuse the women around them.

After the publication of the memoirs Little Sister: My Investigation Into the Mysterious Death of Natalie Wood, Written by Lana Wood, the sister of actress Natalie Wood a new case comes to light: The American actress was sexually assaulted by Kirk Douglas when she was just a teenager. This rumor was already known, but the famous actor who was twice her age and who abused her had never been given a name and surname.

His sister counts on this book all the details about the rape The one that had been rumored for years. A incident that took place in the summer of 1955, when Wood was an aspiring actress in his 16s, and Douglas, a celebrated actor in his thirties, who was at the height of his fame. This aggression occurred In Douglas’s suite at a Los Angeles hotel after his mother, Maria Zakharenko, organized a meeting between the two.

Abuse of power

No longer just for the great age difference, but for the different positions of power that were established between the two, we found all the characteristics coinciding with the cases uncovered by Me Too over the years. Wood began her film career when she was a child and became a Hollywood star years later, getting three Oscar nominations before turning 25. The star of Splendor in the grass and Rebel without a cause He has had a life full of lights and shadows, to which this terrible event is now added.

“Natalie was beautiful when Mom and I left her that night at the Chateau Marmont,” he writes in Little Sister the victim’s sister. “It seemed like a long time before Natalie came back… and slammed the door. It looked terrible. She was disheveled and very upset. Apparently, something bad had happened to my sister, but whatever it was, apparently I was too young to be told, “he recounts in the memoirs.

Wood, then eight years old, said that her sister did not speak of the event until they were adults. One day she decided to share this terrible event and told him that after being taken to Douglas’s suite, he “it hurt him”. With the account of the rape, the sister adds: “I was terrified, confused.”

One more case of Me Too

Wood escribe that his mother’s advice to that situation was to “hold on”. The author, who was also a successful actress, said that she had promised her sister, who died in 1981, not to reveal the assault. But it seems that the need to do justice and to speak out for prevailing abuses in the film industry have gained more weight than promise. Neile Adams, 89, a dancer and friend of Douglas, confirmed the actor’s reputation in 2016: “You couldn’t sit next to him without his hand going up your leg.”

It was an open secret talked about again when Douglas died last year, aged 103. “With no one yet to protect, I’m sure she will forgive me for finally breaking that promise,” writes the sister. The son of actor Michael Douglas has only answered the following when he heard the news: “May you both rest in peace.”

If we recover the actor’s 1988 memoirs, Douglas describes Natalie as a “pretty girl” who simply asked for an autograph. Although now it comes to light that the story was very much more complex and dark than a simple meeting between a Hollywood star and a beginner in the world of cinema.

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