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Kirill could not contain his emotions about the departure of the UOC – UNIAN

According to the Moscow Patriarch, against the backdrop of recent events in Ukraine, which he did not call either a “war” or a “special operation”, “spirits of malice from heaven” have risen in Ukraine.

Against the backdrop of the branch Ukrainian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill of Moscow said that the process of separation of churches is “not from God.”

Kirill stated this in his Sunday sermon in Moscow, reports UP.

According to the Moscow Patriarch, against the backdrop of recent events in Ukraine, which he did not call either a “war” or a “special operation”, “spirits of malice from heaven” have risen in Ukraine.

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“They took up arms against our Church, seeking not only to divide the Orthodox people of Russia and Ukraine, but to make sure that an abyss lay between us. I am deeply convinced that since all these efforts are not from God and not with God’s blessing, the true goal will never be achieved,” Kirill said.

The Patriarch of Moscow expressed “understanding” of the hardships of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

“We fully understand how the Ukrainian Orthodox Church suffers today. We understand with understanding that His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry and the episcopate should act as wisely as possible today so as not to complicate the life of their believing people,” Kirill said.

Branch of the UOC:

May 27 Synod of the UOC-MP declared full autonomy and independence from the Moscow church. This follows from the decision of the Council, held in Kyiv, to amend its own charter, removing references to the Moscow Patriarchate.

As a result of the work, the Council condemned the war and expressed condolences to all those who suffered in the war. The Council expressed disagreement with the position of Patriarch Kirill regarding the war in Ukraine. There was an appeal to the authorities of Ukraine and Russia with a request to continue the negotiation process and “search for a strong and clever word that could stop the bloodshed.”

Regarding the formation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the resolution, in particular, notes that the Council “does not lose hope for the resumption of dialogue.”

On May 28, Epiphanius responded harshly to decision of the UOC MP about “independence”.

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