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Kiril Petkov fired the Deputy Chairman of SANS and appointed a new …

By order of the Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, five deputy ministers have been appointed and he has been relieved of his duties as Deputy Chairman of SANS.

Iliya Iliev and Vladimir Varbanov have been appointed Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications.

Iliya Iliev is a surveying engineer by education, he graduated from UACEG. His professional career is related to the private sector, with many years of managerial experience in the field of investment railway and road design.

Vladimir Varbanov is a lawyer by education, a longtime lecturer in international maritime law at the Technical University in Varna. Since 2017 he has been an arbitrator in the Arbitration Court of Sofia and the Arbitration Court of Varna.

Alexander Pulev and Hristina Velinova have been relieved of their posts as Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications.

Irena Dimitrova and Vasil Georgiev have been appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Irena Dimitrova is a diplomat with over 20 years of experience and has consistently gone through all stages of career development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She has served two terms abroad – in the United Kingdom and in the Permanent Delegation to NATO in Brussels. She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”with a master’s degree and the Diplomatic Academy of the Kingdom of Spain with a master’s degree in International Relations from the Compultense University of Madrid.

Vasil Georgiev has master’s degrees in Turkology and Law from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”, specializing in international law and international relations. He served abroad at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Turkey, MP in the 45th and 46th National Assembly, member of the Committee on Internal Security and Public Order and head of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of the Mediterranean. He has many years of managerial experience in the private sector.

Atanas Dobrev has been reappointed from the position of Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry to the post of Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Reneta Koleva has been relieved of the post of Deputy Minister of Environment and Water.

By decision of the Council of Ministers, Venelin Dimitrov was relieved of his post as Deputy Chairman of the State Agency for National Security. The government decision was taken in absentia.

BGNES recalls that on October 14, 2021, the former Deputy Chairman of SANS Nikolay Nenkov was released at his request. Venelin Dimitrov was then appointed Deputy Chairman of SANS. He was a longtime employee of the Ministry of Interior and SANS. From 2019 to October 14, 2021 he was an information security officer at Bulgargaz EAD.

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