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Kingspan Expert in wastewater treatment

We want to become a leader by leading global changes in the design and production of sustainable solutions, in the treatment, storage, protection of water and energy. Our activity is dedicated to the design and production of water and energy solutions that achieve a high level of sustainability, quality and innovation. We strive to be recognized as an industry leader through our technologies while having exemplary customer service.

Our product offer

When it comes to wastewater treatment, Kingspan has supported you for decades in choosing the most suitable wastewater treatment system for a wide range of applications. Kingspan offers you the security of having products in full compliance with all applicable environmental standards. For 60 years, we have ensured the constant quality of our treatment devices.


The new range is equipped with the Kingspan rotor with well-established qualities, which stands out for its compact shape, structural stability and longevity. Our patented flow management systems guarantee high performance treatment even with large variations in load.

This flow management system allows the pre-treated water to transit at a constant and controlled speed to the treatment sections, thus mobilizing the entire available surface of the media, for efficient and stable treatment.

Benefits of BioDisc® :

  • Quiet: sound less than 40 dB (A)
  • Constant treatment that supports load variations
  • Low power consumption
  • Full opening system for easy maintenance
  • Simple installation in mono-tank ready to connect
  • No pre-filter to maintain
  • Commissioning and maintenance carried out by accredited service providers

For all of our semi-collective stations in the BioDisc® range, commissioning and the first year of maintenance are free.

Bioficient +

The independent wastewater treatment plant of the leader in water treatment.
BioFicient + ® is a new generation of VSATs, developed to treat domestic wastewater in a reliable and compact system. The purification is carried out in three stages, in a single tank. The treatment by mobile aerated support (fluidized bed) used in the station is a more compact evolution of traditional biological treatment, for efficient and more stable wastewater treatment.

Step 1

The wastewater is sent to the primary settling tank, in which the solid particles settle and are retained. After settling, the wastewater flows by gravity towards the biozone.

2nd step

In the biozone, the water comes into contact with the free fixing supports (fluidized bed). On these supports develops a biofilm which degrades the polluting load of carbon and nitrogen. A booster constantly emits fine air bubbles into the biozone to keep the media moving and provide the oxygen needed for aerobic degradation processes.

Step 3

In the clarifier, the solid particles settle to turn into sludge. This secondary sludge will be reintroduced at regular intervals into the primary settling tank in order to be treated again there. From time to time, it is necessary to empty the primary and final settling zones of their sludge. The frequency of the oil change depends on the incoming load.

Step 4

The treated water flows by gravity from the clarifier to a receiving medium.

Benefits of Bioficient + :

  • Perfect landscape integration
  • A single height adjustable manhole
  • Quick to set up: a 3 t mini excavator is sufficient
  • Lightweight: 295 kg for 6 PE
  • Simple installation in mono-tank ready to connect
  • No pre-filter to maintain
  • Solid: up to 1.26 m of top fill
  • Rotomolded polyethylene for constant tank quality
  • Commissioning and maintenance carried out by accredited service providers

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