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King Filip: I had a very difficult childhood | Royals

entertainment">Philip’s parents, then crown prince Albert and his wife Paola, according to historians, a laborious marriage and rain had one affair on the other. They cared little about the children, who spent a lot of time with governesses or were cared for by relatives and host families. Today, youth care would intervene, a psychiatrist recently ruled in a documentary series about Philip’s childhood.

entertainment">The 60-year-old king first met his half-sister last month Delphine, Albert’s daughter and his longtime mistress. At the palace the two had a ‘warm’ conversation. Albert kept Delphine dead for years and refused to recognize his paternity until the judge left him no choice. Shortly after Delphine’s visit to Filip, Albert received her as well.

entertainment">Filip talks about his difficult childhood in a broadcast about a relief campaign for young people, about the saving power of music, about which the Belgian newspaper The morning writes. Filip himself could not rely on that at the time, he says. “Back then I wasn’t really into music, now music has a bigger place in my life. You feel more free when you can play yourself. ”

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