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King Charles III of England and his Favorite Aston Martin DB6 MK2 Volante

King Charles III of England is a great fan of cars, and anyone who says otherwise does not know this side of the monarch. The Englishman has a taste for cars, and even has a formidable collection, although it is not as large as one might think. However, He has a special car that is practically the same as the one James Bond drove in Sean Connery’s movies, and this car is his favorite.

This car is, nothing more and nothing less, than the Aston Martin DB6 MK2 Volante, an almost unique model, It was given to him by his mother in 1969 when King Carlos III was just turning 21 years old. It was a very special gift for the Prince of Wales, and it shows, as he has kept this car throughout his life. In fact, it is difficult to find a photo of Carlos III without this car, since it has been the one he used the most throughout his life. It is a car that has great meaning for the prince, and that is why he himself did not want to leave it in the past.

Car of Charles III

This Aston Martin DB6 MK2 Volante initially ran on normal fuel, gasoline, which any car uses, but the truth is that as the years passed the Prince of Wales acquired a greater ecological awareness, and he knew that using gasoline was not the best option if he wanted to contribute to caring for the environment. It was for this reason that he decided to do a “renovation” to his favorite vehicle, although he couldn’t do it alone and he couldn’t take it to any mechanic’s workshop either, so the current king had to have the direct help of Aston Martin.

Carlos III wanted to switch from gasoline to bioethanol

The son of Elizabeth II wanted to leave aside gasoline with his favorite car, the one he used the most, and which has the honor of being the first of the brand to be designed entirely in the United Kingdom. It is a very important car, and that is why Carlos III wanted to give it the importance it deserved.. He did not hesitate in the slightest to order that his car be converted into an ecological one, Not an easy task because the entire engine had to be adapted and everything that entails, but the professionals got to work.

The result? A new car that ran on cheese and wine. If it sounds surreal, that’s because it is. Bioethanol can be obtained from different similar products, but in general wines and cheeses are not used due to the cost, but for Carlos III this was the least important thing. Now, your Aston Martin DB6 MK2 Volante runs on a fuel composed of English white wine and buttermilk, plus it has a slight percentage of unleaded gasoline. However, although it may sound surreal, it works.

2023-12-30 09:30:14
#Carlos #III #car #fuel #produced #cheese

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