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Kinesiology graduates, preventing sports injuries for everyone

PEKANBARU, AKTUALDETIK.COM,-Kinesiology comes from the words kines and logos, kines is movement, while logos means science, so kinesiology is the study of movement, specifically movement in humans.

This science can be applied to the mechanical principles in human movement which is called biomechanics or biomechanical kinesiology while the application of anatomy in human movement is called kinesiological anatomy.

So, in simple terms, kinesiology is the mechanics of human movement (mechanics of human movement). Kinesiology is a science that studies human movement efficiently, effectively, and safely.

Efficient, effective and safe human movement is good movement with good technique. Because each movement pattern uses efficient energy to achieve the intended result or goal and avoid injury during the execution of the movement.

For example, a basketball player putting the ball into the basket with movement patterns or techniques that use as little energy as possible (efficient) resulting in the ball entering the basket (effective).

The benefits of kinesiology work are:

a) Know all the health conditions of organs or systems and the metabolism of a substance in the body;

b.Know the condition of immunity/immunity and all allergic disorders encountered;

c.Know the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body;

d. Know the hormonal balance of the body;

e) Knowing the body’s response to substances, drugs and even foods, in order to know the substances/drugs/foods suitable for the body;

f. Be able to identify mental and emotional disorders, stress or depression that interfere with the health of the body;

g) To know the level of health of the body, both normal and of those suffering from an illness, acute or chronic;

h. To aid in the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment of pain cases, as well as the body’s response (allergic/unsuitable/unsuitable) to an ingredient/substance/drug.

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