Kindergartens – Hanover:Critic: Disappointed with the Lower Saxony daycare law
Directly from the dpa news channel
Hanover (dpa / lni) – The draft for a new daycare law in Lower Saxony is stirring. For more than twenty years, parents and educational professionals in the facilities have been waiting for a comprehensive change in the law, announced the Diakonisches Werk. A draft law has been in place since mid-November 2020.
An alliance of welfare, trade union and parents’ initiatives was disappointed. Crucial points to improve the quality in the Lower Saxony day-care centers were missing. Hans-Joachim Lenke, board spokesman of the Diakonie in Lower Saxony, Martina Ernst, board member of the Alliance for Children and Families, and Detlef Ahting, Verdi district manager Lower Saxony-Bremen, want to inform online today (1 p.m.) about the details.
On March 9, 2021, the draft should be discussed in the cabinet of the state government. Previously, daycare workers, trade unions, churches and parents’ initiatives had criticized the fact that quality standards and staffing ratios were not being improved.
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