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Kim Kötter reveals: ‘SBS is going to renovate with Dutch celebrities’

SBS6 is working on a new program full of celebrities. This time they are not going to skate, photograph, fly drones, go to a desert island, play games, make pottery, sing with masks or jump clean, but renovate their house. Kim Kötter (38) reveals that in her latest vlog.

“An entire construction process is then followed”

In her vlog, Kim explains exactly what the intention is. “An entire building process is then followed. For us, that is the attic room, the nursery, the guest room. Basically everything in the attic,” she says. The program must be available on SBS. “It’s called for now Celebrities in Construction and there are some very nice other celebrities to see. “

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A spokesperson for Talpa tells RTL Boulevard that such a program is indeed being worked on. “It is true that recordings are currently being made for a program with the working title: Celebrities in the construction industry. As soon as more can be said about this and it is known when we will broadcast it, you will hear from us”, the spokesperson said. know.

Kim and her husband Jaap have themselves filmed during a renovation while Kim is pregnant. In the video below, the two tell everything about their upcoming third child, which came as a total surprise.

RTL Boulevard

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