– [매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]
Comedian Kim Ki-soo announced the deletion of comments.
On the 25th, Kim Ki-soo posted a post on Instagram on the 25th, saying, “A lot of people ask me that comments were deleted, and there are many speculations and I post them after thinking. I deleted these comments.”
Recently, while Kim Ki-soo was under suspicion of deleting YouTube comments, etc., when netizens asked for clarification, Kim Ki-soo admitted to deleting comments and revealed the reason for the deletion. In the photos that were released together, a comment was included that mentioned Kim Ki-soo’s mother, which could be felt as a personal threat.
The shocking expression is surprising.
The netizens responded, “I have to meet in court without prejudice”, “What to say… I can’t stop talking because I’m surprised”, “I must have been hurt a lot”, and “I cheer.
On the other hand, Kim Ki-soo recently revealed that his comedian, Kim Si-deok, had been gathered by a former motive and had been struck in the cheek. When Kim Si-deok mentioned the names of his contemporaries, he did not mention some names, and Kim Ki-soo’s name was not mentioned, raising suspicion that Kim Ki-soo was assaulted.
Photo| Kim Ki-soo SNS
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]