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Kim Kardashian jealous of Kylie Jenner because of this reason?

It seems that relations between Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian have been strained lately over a very specific subject!

Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner have a very close relationship for many years. But lately, it seems that their relationship has been quite strained. At least, that’s what a close source has said.

Kim Kardashian et Kylie Jenner en froid?

Kim Kardashian has always taken care of her little sister Kylie Jenner. They have had a great relationship for years and do not hesitate to count on each other. But according to a source, things are not going very well between them.

Indeed, the Kardashian sisters would not appreciate the behavior of Kylie Jenner’s boyfriend, Timothée Chalamet. According to rumors, they would not approve of the young man’s behavior with their family.

In an interview with In Touch Weekly, a source said that the relationship between Kim Kardashian and her sister would be very strained. She explained: “They tried to put their differences asidebut things keep popping up.”

Before also adding: “Kim really resents Kylie for being able to keep her private life private and managing to stay in her mother’s good graces. Kylie has a different set of rulesand Kim thinks that’s really unfair.”

And to also specify: “Kim can’t stand that Kylie got the cover when she never got it. She’s very jealous. Kylie has everything going for her.” But according to the source, Kim Kardashian would be jealous.

“It makes Kim Kardashian furious that Kylie never really gives her credit for opening doors for her. Kylie is obsessed with age and being the youngest in the family,” the insider said.

“She always puts her sisters down because that they are older. In fact, she doesn’t hesitate to tell people that Kim should start acting like her age. It’s really rude,” the source concluded.

Tensions with Kris Jenner

A source also explained to Life & Style that Kylie Jenner would also be on bad terms with her mother Kris Jenner. The reason? The latter would have decided to include Travis Scott in their reality TV show.

“With Travis making so many headlines, the obvious choice is to bring him on the show,” the source said, adding that Kris Jenner wanted to bring the rapper on board to boost ratings.

The insider clarified on Kim Kardashian’s mom: “Kris justifies it by saying that bringing him back into the network’s fold would help because she’s clearly struggling – but everyone knows she’s after ratings.”

And to emphasize: “Kris doesn’t seem to care that this will stress Kylie out or cause drama in her relationship with Timothée.” In addition, rumors also reveal that Timothée Chalamet has shows infidelity.

“Kylie is furious that her mother insists on this, especially when she pressures her to put Timothée on the show!” the source pointed out. Things are therefore not going very well within the family.