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Kim Jong-Un Reportedly Has a Team of Killing Citizens Celebrating Christmas


Regime North Korea (North Korea) under its leader Kim Jong Un reportedly deployed a team of assassins who were ordered to hunt down and immediately kill any North Koreans caught celebrating Christmas.

As reported Express.co.uk, Monday (12/27/2021), North Korea is known to prohibit any belief and other beliefs, other than worshiping the Kim dynasty which led the communist country. This situation forces Christians in North Korea to carry out their religious activities in secret.

Not only that, December 24 every year is also designated as a celebration for Kim Jong-Suk, the wife of the late founder of North Korea. Kim Il Sung, or Kim Jong-Un’s grandfather.

Timothy Cho, one of the North Koreans who managed to escape from North Korea, said that any Christian caught practicing his faith would be shot directly by the assassination team sent by Kim Jong-Un.

“I believe they will be hunted. There is no doubt about it. The Kim regime will urge people to show complete loyalty to the Kim family,” Cho told Express.co.uk.

Cho now works for Open Doors, a foundation that helps Christians who are victims of persecution.

“During this period of time, if anyone was arrested for secretly celebrating Christmas, they could be killed immediately,” he said.

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