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Kim Jong-in’transfer act’ remark Lee Nak-yeon “Is it because of the by-election?”

Together with the Democratic Party, Lee Nak-yeon. News 1-People’s Strength Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, raised suspicion that the government had decided to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea and criticized it as a “transfer act”. On the 30th, the Democratic Party’s representative Lee Nak-yeon said, “Isn’t that so wrong with the by-election?” Asked.

Representative Lee said on Facebook that day, “I doubted my eyes after reading Chairman Kim’s remarks.

Earlier, Chairman Kim said in a statement on the previous day, “The Moon Jae-in administration tried to close the Korean nuclear power plant and build a nuclear power plant in North Korea in extreme secrecy.” “It cannot be a shocking transfer act that could shake the fate of the regime beyond the nuclear power plant gate.” Criticized.

On this day, Lee rebutted, “If there was something in the computer folder of a public official, would you claim that it was, of course, promoted at the inter-Korean summit?” “If so, it is too stupid speculation.” In addition, “It is common sense that the operation of the state does not work that way. He added, “Rep. Yun Gun-young, who was in charge of the summit meeting at the time at the Blue House, and the Ministry of Industry and Unification both denied and protested.”

“I believe that fulfilling the responsibility of words and writing in politics is the start of responsible politics.”

According to the prosecutor’s office, among the 530 nuclear-related files deleted by three officials of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, who were charged with interfering with the audit of the auditor in relation to the suspicion of manipulating the economic feasibility of Wolseong Unit 1, data related to North Korean nuclear power were included.

In the deleted file, there was a folder named’Pohjois’, which means north in Finnish. In this folder, there were subfolders such as’Bukwonchu’ and’KEDO’. ‘North cones’ seems to mean promoting nuclear power in North Korea. KEDO is a Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization established in the 1990s to support the North Korean light water reactor project.

The Democratic Party denied the allegations. Rep. Kun-young Yoon, who served as the head of the Presidential Office of State Affairs at the time of the 1st and 2nd inter-Korean summits, said through Facebook as “a false criticism without evidence”. “The three inter-Korean summits and exchange and cooperation projects held by the Moon Jae-in administration promoted the construction of a nuclear power plant in North Korea. There are no enemies.”

Seo Han-gil, Dong-A.com reporter [email protected]

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