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[OSEN=강서정 기자] Kim Ha-neul of ‘Let’s Get Caught by the Collar’ is in danger of being accused of Cha Eun-sae’s murderer.
In the 8th episode of KBS 2TV’s Monday-Tuesday drama ‘Let’s Get Caught by the Collar’ (directed by Lee Ho, Lee Hyun-kyung, written by Bae Soo-young), which aired on the 9th, Yoo Yun-young (played by Han Chae-ah) finds out all of her secrets when Seol Woo-jae (played by Jang Seung-jo) tells Seo Jeong-won (played by Seo Jeong-won). He started a counterattack against Kim Ha-neul (played by Kim Ha-neul) and created a thrilling sense of tension. Accordingly, the 8th episode recorded 3.8% of households nationwide and 4.1% of households in the metropolitan area (provided by Nielsen Korea), breaking its own highest viewership rating. In addition, it took first place among all Monday-Tuesday dramas, igniting a hot upward trend.
On this day’s broadcast, it was revealed that on the day of Jin Myeong-sook’s (Lee Young-sook’s) murder, Cha Geum-sae (played by Go Geon-han) ran away with a bag left on the front door of her house. Geumsae, who ran away with only her bag of money, leaving Myeong-suk pleading for her life, was convinced that Jeong-won, who recognized the whale key ring on her bag, was the real culprit who murdered Jin Myeong-sook.
Jeong-won, who was kidnapped by Geum-sae, regained consciousness in the office where Cha Eun-sae’s (Han Ji-eun) body was found. The moment Geumsae was about to swing the jackknife towards the garden, Kim Tae-heon (played by Yeon Woo-jin), who arrived on the scene, engaged in a tense physical fight with Geum-sae, who was left unmanned, creating an immediate sense of tension. Jeong-won, who barely escaped the crisis, found Tae-heon covered in wounds and immediately burst into tears after hearing him say sorry for coming late.
Geum-sae, who was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and injuring Jeong-won, was investigated by Tae-heon. Tae-heon took advantage of Geum-sae’s anxious psychology and continued intense interrogation, such as asking whether it was Mo Myeong-taek (played by Yoon Je-moon) who ordered him to monitor Jin Myeong-sook, increasing the level of immersion in the play.
The next day, Jeongwon reported an exclusive article that Geumsae had been spying on Jin Myeong-sook under the orders of Assemblyman Mo Kyung-taek’s (played by Yoon Je-bun) aide. Hyeong-taek held an emergency press conference and admitted that, as Jeong-won reported, his aide had ordered Geum-sae to monitor Myeong-sook, the housekeeper. In addition, regarding the sponsor rumor with Eun-sae, she made a world of noise by revealing that in the past, she regarded Eun-sae as her daughter and sponsored her until she graduated from high school.
A week later, Jeongwon, who decided to reveal the culprit of Cha Eun-sae’s murder on his program, became anxious when the alibis of the suspects were confirmed. Tae-heon, who came to the broadcasting station at the right time, surprised Jeong-won by saying that it was the youngest reporter, Bareun Lee (played by Seo Beom-jun), who delivered Jin Myeong-sook’s donation to the factory victims’ group on her behalf. Jeongwon, who went to Barun’s house, found a secret anonymous app on his computer and was shocked to learn that Zeus, the anonymous informant who had given him secret information, was the youngest reporter.
At the same time, Woo-jae discovered a photo of Jeong-won’s necklace on a USB stick hidden by Yoon-yeong while she was drunk and asleep. He was excited that he had finally found the evidence and was angry at Yoon-young for trapping Jeong-won because of him.
At the end of the broadcast, Yoon-young, who realized that Woo-jae knew the whole truth, gave Tae-heon a photo of Jung-won, who visited the scene of Cha Eun-sae’s murder, in a dramatic ending that gave viewers goosebumps.
As the mystery of Jin Myeong-sook and Cha Eun-sae’s murder case became more intense, ‘Let’s Get Caught by the Collar’ captivated home theaters with unpredictable developments and a chase for the truth with twists and turns. /[email protected]
[사진] KBS 2TV ‘Let’s get caught by the collar’ broadcast capture
Kang Seo-jeong ([email protected])