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Kim Chul-min “Body condition time bomb, Santa’s grandfather in self-isolation”

– [매일경제 스타투데이 진향희 기자]

Comedian Kim Chul-min, who was convicted of’end-stage lung cancer’ and suffering from illness, delivered Christmas greetings from the bed.

On the afternoon of the 24th, Kim Chul-min said, “I am Christmas Eve… at the hospital. I remember that I spent last year at the Yangpyeong nursing hospital, but this year I think I’ll be spending it at the Nuclear Hospital,” he said.

“I took an MRI. Last time, I had cervical spine surgery 5 and 6, and a large cancer was found there, but fortunately it is not there.

But, it’s a time bomb. She said she has cancer in her chest, ribs, etc., and said, “It’s late, but Merry Christmas.”

In the middle of the broadcast, Kim Chul-min said, “I got a drug injection an hour ago..”

He also threw humor to fans watching live broadcasts, saying, “Santa’s grandfather arrived, he said he’s coming in two weeks because he is self-quarantine.”

In August of last year, Kim Chul-min was diagnosed with lung cancer and announced that he was fighting cancer. Later, he claimed that the pain was greatly reduced by taking fenbendazole, a dog repellent for the purpose of treating lung cancer.

However, he said he stopped taking it 10 months later due to side effects.

Kim Chul-min appeared on a radio program in September and said, “I never killed cancer. He also shared his own experience, saying, “If I happen to be in my family, I will oppose it.”

Even after stopping taking fenbendazole, Kim Cheol-min is receiving a lot of support by steadily conveying the situation and feelings of chemotherapy through Facebook.

[email protected]

PhotoㅣKim Cheol-min Facebook video capture

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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