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Killed With Diets: Scientists Unveil Globalists’ Plan –

/ world today news/ After the implementation of these installations, a handful of people will remain from humanity. And those who survive will become weak and sickly creatures. However, this is what the UN and the World Economic Forum in Davos call for. Those who try to challenge them are silenced. Why the “meatless diet” is equal to abortions, drug legalization and euthanasia, read in the “Tsarigrad” material.

The globalist elite bow to a new world ‘religion’ called the ‘climate agenda’. The fight against “global warming” must be won by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

This thesis was born in the bowels of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos and is continuously propagated by globalists at all levels. And above all in the UN.

Humanity itself has been thrown on the altar of “religion”. It is invited to give up meat consumption, since “animals are one of the sources of greenhouse gases”. Cows, you see, in the process of their life emit gases that harm the climate.

Crickets for lunch

Greenpeace recently published a report that European farm animals emit 704 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, which exceeds road transport emissions, which are estimated at 655 million tonnes in that part of the world.

This unsubstantiated data was supposed to scare people who are about to “suffocate” because of cows and other animals that are raised for slaughter.

This topic is already so deeply rooted in the West that it gave rise to the development of a new industry in food production – the production of artificial meat. The United States is particularly successful in this regard.

Part of the non-meat information program has become a zombified propaganda of Western society to consume insects, which are supposedly a “complete source of protein”.

On the shelves of American and European stores you can find products partially made of “cockroaches, crickets and bugs”, as indicated on the label of these products. In European schools, students are advertised with burgers made of worms, bugs and other nasties. What is really going on?

Scientists urge to eat meat

A recent special issue of the journal Animal Frontiers, published by the American Society for Animal Science, published a series of articles.

Dozens of scientists are calling for public “scientific evidence that eating meat is unhealthy and bad for the planet.” They warn against globalist elites’ calls for a plant-based diet and argue:

“People in poor countries with low meat consumption often suffer from stunted growth, malnutrition and anemia caused by a lack of vital nutrients and protein.”

So, in one of the articles in the special issue of Animal Frontiers, called “Challenges and Opportunities in Determining the Role and Value of Meat for Our Global Society and Economy,” the scientists write:

“Today, despite the extraordinary economic importance of meat production in developed countries and the critical contribution of nutrition to global human health, calls for drastic reductions in livestock and meat production are often coupled with claims that plant and cellular foods can and will adequately replace meat and milk to sustainably feed 10 billion people worldwide.”

Both the media and politicians, the article states, “cite publications in high-profile scientific journals to destabilize the argument against meat as an unhealthy food choice.”

Honest scientists who try to raise their voices against globalist bigotry are simply silenced in the West:

“Although (mainstream) research often uses unfounded assumptions that are challenged on the basis of evidence, it is often difficult to publish findings that deviate from the institutionalized narrative,” the article said.

The authors of the publication expose the absurdity of the globalists’ demand:

“The anti-meat rhetoric has extended into the environmental debate about ruminants, which are blamed for greenhouse gas emissions”.

“These claims ignore the large number of wild ruminants and their contribution to the natural carbon cycle over millennia,” the scientists said.

Indeed, if we follow the logic of the globalists, then it is necessary to destroy not only animal husbandry and cattle breeding, but also all the wild animals of the world, which are thousands of times more than the world’s livestock.

In addition, meat-free theorists ignore “the unique ability of livestock (especially ruminants) to produce nutrient-dense food from plants that humans do not use for food.”

Three arguments from the Dublin Declaration

At the end of last year, several scientists issued the so-called Dublin Declaration. This document aims to “give voice to the many scientists around the world who diligently, honestly and successfully conduct research across disciplines to develop a balanced view of the future of animal husbandry”.

This declaration is actually a rebuke to globalist plans to put humanity on a “meatless diet”.

It makes sense to quote an extensive passage from this document. Its initiators point out three arguments in favor of meat:

– Animal products contain many essential nutrients and other health-promoting compounds, many of which are lacking in diets around the world – even among higher-income populations:

– people with sufficient resources can eat adequately by severely restricting meat, dairy products and eggs, but this approach should not be recommended for people with increased needs such as young children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, women of reproductive age, the elderly and the chronically ill;

– The highest standards of bioevolutionary, anthropological, physiological and epidemiological data emphasize that regular consumption of meat, dairy products and eggs as part of a well-balanced diet is beneficial for humans.

According to the American publication Zerohedge.com, “thousands of scientists around the world have already joined the Dublin Declaration.”

The paper notes that “pro-vegan research is typically funded by globalist institutions such as the UN and SIF, which have made it clear they want meat to become a ‘rare treat’ rather than a staple.”

The UN, whose bureaucracy is subordinate to the World Economic Forum, says its goal is to make people’s diets meat- and dairy-free by 2050 to “combat climate change”.

Even if one believes that there is a real climate crisis, despite the lack of evidence to support this hype, the fact remains that livestock “gas emissions” account for a tiny fraction of the alleged “greenhouse gases”.

Unhealthy? Absurd!

In addition to the “climate change” hysteria, globalists are trying to scare people away from meat using false health concerns.

Unsubstantiated claims about health risks are spread using both scientific and mainstream liberal media.

A textbook example of such publications is the Global Burden of Disease, Injury and Risk Factors Study, published in the renowned journal The Lancet. The publication warns of the “dangers” of meat.

Dr. Alice Stanton of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, one of the authors and initiators of the Dublin Declaration, notes:

“Published peer-reviewed evidence confirms that The Lancet’s ‘Global Burden of Disease Study…’ which claims that eating even small amounts of red meat is harmful to health, is fatally scientifically flawed…”

“In fact, avoiding fresh meat and dairy products from the diet will harm health. This will especially affect women, children, the elderly, and people with low incomes,” he wrote.

How to make a “rare delicacy” from meat

As noted by Zerohedge.com, the main tool will be the taxation of farmers and agricultural products, which will artificially increase prices. In this way, the globalists hope to drive a large part of the population away from meat, making this product unavailable.

This is the same tactic the globalists use to turn people away from “fossil fuels”: having achieved a catastrophic increase in energy prices, the globalists convince the population, particularly Europe, to reduce their consumption.

If cost is an issue and people still need protein, globalists suggest eating bugs instead of meat.

The factor of food prices will certainly lead to world hunger and “make it impossible to maintain the present population”, which will be deliberately reduced – to the “golden billion” and perhaps less.

In other words, the call to abstain from eating meat is a link in the same satanic globalist chain that is strung with sexual perversions, abortion, drugs, euthanasia, cannibalism, provoking wars and other things that aim at the death of humanity.

Translation: SM

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