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Japanese actor Shinichi Chiba
Chiba was an actor, singer, director and martial artist. Throughout his life, he starred in more than 120 films.
Japanese actor Shinichi Chiba, who played Hattori Hanzo in the Quentin Tarantino film Kill Bill (2003), died at the age of 82. On Thursday, August 19, the newspaper reported The Japan Times.
According to the publication, the cause of death of the actor was pneumonia, which developed in him against the background of infection with coronavirus. Chiba was admitted to the hospital on August 8, where he died the day before.
Shinichi Chiba was an actor, singer, director and martial artist. Throughout his life, he starred in more than 120 films, including paintings Survival Manners 5+, Sushi Gel, Triple Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Time Lapse, Lords of the Elements and Doomed to be alone.
In the picture Kill Bill Chiba played Hattori Hanzo, the owner of the teahouse who once taught Bill the martial arts and to whom the main character of the film, Beatrix Kiddo (played by Uma Thurman), turns to for help.
Still from the film Kill Bill
According to the newspaper, in 2004, the actor founded a school for novice stuntmen and actors of martial arts films – the Japanese Fighting Club.
Earlier at the age of 83, the popular American passed away actor Morgan Sajino Grant, which was remembered for the films Breaking Bad and The lone ranger.
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