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Kiko Rivera, without mercy even though he is dying, suffers from irreversible cancer

Kiko Rivera, known for not mincing words, has made it clear on more than one occasion that Julián Muñoz, the controversial former mayor of Marbella and former partner of his mother, Isabel Pantoja, does not occupy an important place in his life.. Even though Julián is battling irreversible cancer and his days could be numbered, Kiko has made clear his indifference towards him.

Kiko Rivera does not forgive or forget

Some time ago, During his return to Madrid, after a weekend of work in Barcelona, ​​Kiko Rivera was approached by the press. With his characteristic aplomb, he answered the journalists’ questions with a mixture of sarcasm and disinterest. When asked about Julián Muñoz and his recent television appearances, Kiko did not show a shred of empathy. “I don’t know and I’m not interested,” he said coldly.

Julian Muñoz

Kiko’s disdain towards Julián is nothing new. Since the former mayor of Marbella left prison and began selling his story in the media, Kiko has maintained a stance of absolute detachment. Even when it was suggested to him that he or his mother might feel betrayed by the statements of Julián and others like Fosky, who have also spoken about his relationship with Isabel Pantoja, Kiko was blunt: “I don’t care about that man.” Not even the news of Muñoz’s serious illness has softened the DJ’s heart.

Julian Muñoz’s terminal cancer: a farewell with a stab to Isabel Pantoja

While Kiko Rivera moves on with his life, Julián Muñoz faces a much darker fateDiagnosed with irreversible lung cancer, the former mayor has decided to take advantage of what could be his last months of life to tell his version of events. Despite his delicate state of health, Muñoz has recorded an interview for Mediaset, where he has left no stone unturned, revealing intimate details of his life and, of course, his stormy relationship with Isabel Pantoja.

Julián, who has always been a controversial character, has returned to television not only for money, but to launch a final blow to the singer. The man who was once one of the most powerful men in Marbella has not forgiven Isabel for having separated him from his family, a resentment that he has made clear in each of his public interventions. His relationship with Pantoja, which lasted from 2003 to 2009, ended in the midst of one of the most notorious scandals in Spain, with both convicted of corruption in the Malaya case.

Now, in the midst of her battle with cancer, Julián Muñoz has decided to marry again with Mayte Zaldívar, the woman he left for Isabel Pantoja. An act that many interpret as a last attempt at redemption before his inevitable end. However, despite his delicate situation, the former mayor has not stopped working on his autobiography, which promises to be a real bombshell when it is published posthumously. But Kiko Rivera does not care about any of this. While Julián Muñoz fights his illness and plans his last media revenge, Kiko continues to enjoy his life far from the dramas that once surrounded his family.

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