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Kiev residents are warned about the threat of rolling power outages – UNIAN

The likelihood of rolling blackouts is very high, says Klitschko.

Klitschko gave an alarming forecast for the people of Kiev on electricity / photo REUTERS

Mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko warned residents of the capital about possible problems with heating and electricity.

The head of the capital said that today 12 heat and electricity producing enterprises in Kiev are experiencing a problem with a shortage of coal and gas. It is reported by “Ukraine 24“.

“Experts say that frosts down to -15 ° will last for several weeks … The probability of rolling blackouts is very high,” Klitschko said.

But, at the same time, the mayor of Kiev said that there would be no increase in heating tariffs.

Read alsoUkraine faces rolling blackouts: when can this happenAs UNIAN reported earlier, on October 26, Ukrenergo held an auction to distribute access to interstate power grids for November 2021. As a result of the auction, Ukrainian companies bought out the opportunity to supply electricity from Russia in the amount of 2.2 GW and from Belarus – 900 MW.

November 2 Ukraine due to a power shortage in the energy system requested emergency assistance from the power system of Belarus in the amount of 500 MW and from Slovakia through the Burshtyn energy island in the amount of 100 MW. Ukraine has requested emergency supplies of electricity three times in 2021.

11 November Ukraine re-requested emergency assistance from the power system of Slovakia in the amount of 100 MW.


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