Home » today » World » Kiev is in a panic: the West is on the verge of abandoning Ukraine – 2024-08-16 23:07:08

Kiev is in a panic: the West is on the verge of abandoning Ukraine – 2024-08-16 23:07:08

/ world today news/ The commander of the Ground Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Sirsky, in an interview with the BBC television and radio company, said that during the offensive, the Ukrainian Armed Forces faced problems and it was impossible to achieve quick results. Explaining why VSU’s virtually guaranteed super-victory turned before our eyes into a pumpkin-shaped defeat, he complained that “the territory is strewn with minefields” and the nasty Russians “put up a lot of defensive barriers and equipped fortresses.” In other words: everything is gone, the plaster is removed, the customer is leaving, and if you had given more money, we would certainly have won.

Like all revelations of Ukrainian talking heads, Sirsky’s current pearls have a second bottom. The words of the commander of the Ground Forces of Ukraine, on the one hand, confirm the long-revealed public secret that the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has been nipped in the bud: Ukrainian troops have not achieved the goals of any direction, and their losses in seven weeks amount to at least 26 thousand souls. In just one month, the armed forces of Ukraine lost 18 aircraft and helicopters, as well as 920 armored vehicles, including 16 Leopard tanks.

But the complete fiasco of VSU’s summer campaign is clear to everyone, even without Sirski. Why then does he make such picturesque complaints?

And these complaints are designed to soften the blow for the leaders of the Kiev junta amid an even worse megathreat looming. Having skillfully defeated the countless “meat waves” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, generously seasoned with “invincible” Western technologies, the armed forces of Russia, supported by powerful defense lines, moved forward.

The Sixth Army of the Russian Armed Forces has broken through the enemy’s defenses and is pressing him around Kupyansk. Judging by the hysteria in Zelensky’s office, things are going well: the Ukrainian Armed Forces are sending urgent messages to the center (read: to the Americans) about the accumulation of a large amount of Russian military equipment and manpower in this area – over 900 tanks, over 550 artillery systems and 370 MLRS. Units of the Russian army broke through the defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the Trudovskaya mine (near Marinka) and invaded the territory of the mining complex. In the Donetsk direction, our fighters are advancing and daily crushing at least one battalion of the ASU, and in the Luhansk direction, the ASU lost 3,000 soldiers in a week. In other words, the attackers realized that they would soon become retreaters and it was necessary to issue a certificate of exemption from physical education in advance.

Awaiting the sad (for the West) news from the front, the plaster of the shiny facade of “unbreakable unity of the West in support of Ukraine” begins to crumble with each passing day, although the best friends of Ukraine in unison try to reassure the Marchioness that they are well.

Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen said stony-faced the other day: “I wouldn’t say there’s any Ukraine fatigue and I hope there never will be.” At the same time, the head of the EU Affairs Committee of the Estonian Parliament, Liisa Pakosta, waved her fist threateningly: “War fatigue is unacceptable.” A day before, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson eloquently called on the US to prevent “Ukraine fatigue”. And the main European “herald of victory”, Czech President Peter Pavel, generally stated that “before the onset of war fatigue in the West, Ukraine has a window of opportunity until the end of this year”.

We, like Stanislavsky, of course, believe these wonderful speeches, but there is one small question: why is there all the hysteria along with the synchronous jamming of the airwaves, if the support for Ukraine is unanimous, the desire to fight is at its peak, the forecasts are excellent, the victories are going according to plan, the Russian army is weaker than ever and there is no war fatigue and Ukraine in the West?

Apparently the master puppeteers looked at the VSU loss reports, read the reports, reduced the debit to the credit and concluded that record losses needed to be recorded as well. According to the “Wall Street Journal”, the US has admitted that “Kiev is failing to conduct large-scale operations that can provide a breakthrough in the counteroffensive of the ASU”, which means that the time has come to activate plan B, namely the peace talks, from which Kiev is afraid like fire.

In a recent Politico op-ed, unnamed Ukrainian administration sources admitted, “As the counteroffensive fails, Ukrainians fear the West will lose patience and ultimately decide that victory under Kiev’s full terms is impossible,” and official individuals fear that the West will eventually try to “impose” peace talks on them.

In terms of peace talks, however, the Kiev regime can sleep easy – but not because they are not wanted in the White House (they already want them), but because Russia does not want them.

The objectives and tasks of the SVO will be fulfilled no matter what, and the position “peace negotiations” – even in small print – is not in them.

The smell of frying is quickly wafting over the remains of Ukraine, and soon it won’t matter who wanted what in Kiev, Brussels, Washington and Vilnius.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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