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Kickback: the extension that trains the triceps

It is a movement to train the posterior muscle of the antagonist arm of the biceps, a “fundamental”. Massimo Pirola, personal trainer, explains the correct execution.

The movement. “It’s a stretch of the forearm towards the back. Strengthens the triceps and the top of the back: keeping the adduction of the shoulder blades, engage this area as well. The triceps it is a muscle that pushes, throws, lifts, hits: it accompanies us in many movements that we do in daily life. Training him has a look aesthetic e functional.Not only is the curtain effect eliminated in the upper part of the arms, but its functionality increases ”.

Do it like this. “Feet parallel and hip-width apart, knees bent, one elbow resting on the forward knee, torso flexed, abdominals contracted. Grab the handlebar with the palm facing inside of, as much as possible parallel to the ground with the elbow close to the flexed side a 90° on the shoulder line. Slowly extend your elbow back while keeping the whole arm in a stable position as you perform. Return to the starting position and repeat. do 3 sets of 15 repetitions per arm with 1 minute rest between one series and the next “.

Check your back. “Needs to be straight and do not negatively urge the lumbar area. To reach the location, contract the abdomen during the exercise and close the shoulder blades so as to activate the scapular muscles and open the pectorals ”.

Flex your legs. “Always keep them lightly folded to promote proper body support throughout the exercise. Contract well and glutes in the extension phase: it will help you make the movement more intense ”.

Command the arms. “Always active both in the extension both in that of bending. So you not only work specifically on the triceps, but you work all the muscles in the arm ”.

Keep your head. “Aligned to the column. Set a straight point in front of you: it will help you reach and maintain the right position and avoid discomfort cervical tract”.

The extra tip …………… .. “If you want to pay more intense the exercise, in the elbow extension phase gradually brings the palm of the hand from facing the side at the beginning of the movement to facing back upwards at the end of the extension, turning it internally ”.

Benefits and results. “It is the exercise that helps us to face in every season there “Try tank top”, a fundamental training necessary to counter the passing of time and the inevitable force of gravity. Run it regularly for 15 minutes three / four times per week. In two months, the visual and aesthetic impact of the whole arm will change, the upper back will appear sculpted, drawn, without accumulation of fat near the shoulder blades. Toning i back muscles it will make you improve the symmetry of your body, harmonizing the upper and lower parts “.

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