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Although parts of the stolen property were found near the crime scene, the robber wanted from his Munich home insurance 3314,72 Euro Get compensation. But she resisted there was a lawsuit. And to one now final judgment of the Munich District Court. This decided: The insurance does not have to pay (Az: 274 C 7752/19). Because: The vehicle is not “breaking open”. However, according to the contractual clause (“Insured items that (…) are stolen by breaking open a locked motor vehicle”) are also necessary for the obligation to pay. The pilot as the plaintiff had argued that he had safely locked the car.-
Judge: Departure only with the use of force
The competent judge further stated in his judgment: the wording of the term “break open” is clear: “According to the general usage (and also the definition of the Duden), a corresponding procedure includes the Use of force. Even if, in the opinion of the court, damage to the thing is not necessarily necessary, “breaking open”, as is commonly used, is safe not every unauthorized opening by means of amplification of a radio signal or use of a ‘wrong’ radio signal. “
Keyless-Go: The signal must have arrived
Motor vehicle insurance, on the other hand, generally reimburses the damage incurred with partial and fully comprehensive insurance. No distinction is made between whether the thief gained access to the car by manipulating the radio signal or with a crowbar.
However, there is a small but fine exception: so-called jamming. The burglars intercept the radio signal before they reach the car, the doors remain open.
It is therefore important to make sure when parking that the car confirms locking by flashing or a tone. This is what the district court now aimed at with its judgment. Without traces of burglary, it is more difficult to prove that the lock was not simply forgotten. Therefore there is “a not inconsiderable risk of abuse”.
Keyless go protective covers |
Vonetti Premium Keyless Go RFID Blocker
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Gentleman Sylt Keyless Go protection box
Price *: 34.90 euros
Monojoy Keyless Go RFID-Box
Price *: 23.99 euros
* Prices as of July 2nd, 2020